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The hoove patted hus shoulder and then picjed him up.
"HEY!?" Alex tried to escape the strangers grip.
"Easy my child,it's alright." The voice was female and sweet.
Alex looked up to find. A goat lady with floppy goat ears and little fangs that poked a little out of her mouth.
She smiled "sorry about that my child ." she put me down away from the flower. "I'm Toriel but you can call me mom."
Alex tilted his head "mom?"
She nodded and started walking "come my child."
He followed carefully behind not really trusting but not wanting to stay with 'Mr. Flowey'.
  She smiled and walked to a little house that had flowers  surrounding it.
This made him feel a little bit safer.
She walked to the little house made if wood and smelled if pie.
Alex stepped inside slowly.
She then sat "so are you wanting to stay or do you havr other plans,my child?" She smiled "if you do go I wish you the best if luck."
Alex nodded "thank" He felt awkward saying that. "I will go but shall cone back and visit" he reassured her and smiled.
She nodded "I wish you the best if luck."
Alex trunned to the door and began walking. He now just had to make it to...well he really didn't know. But first things first.
Stay. Alive.

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