Chapter 8

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beep boop sorry for the wait :/


"Man, I think you guys killed her." Says a familiar voice 

"Shut-up Ghoul!" Says another familiar voice. 

"Hey, I think she's waking up!" Says the first voice. 

I moan and slowly open my heavy eye lids. I put a hand to my head, which is pounding. 

"What happened" I ask looking up at four very familiar faces. 

"Do you know who I am?" Asks a red haired man. 

"I think I do. Everything's coming back to me. You're... Party Poison!" I say as he nods "And they are Fun Ghoul, Jet Star , uh, Kobra Kid and Dr. D!" I say excitedly as I realize that my memory is coming back to me. 

"Not bad. I think it might have worked!" Says Fun Ghoul

"How long have I been out for? 

"About two or three days. Do you remember what happened before that?" 

"Yea, I think so. It's still kind of blurry..." I say 

"Maybe we should let her rest for a little bit." Says Jet Star. 

"Can you stand up sunshine?" Says Dr. D 

"Yeah, I think so.." I say stumbling to my feet, extending my arms to gain balance. 

The men proceed to lead me from the laboratory into a small room. Party leads me inside as the rest of the guys wait outside 

"Just lie down and try to rest. Trust me it'll help." Says Party Poison. 

"Okay, I'll try" I say looking up at him. 

"Kay" He murmurs and starts to leave. 

"Wait!" I call after him "I'm sorry for acting like such a bitch a couple days ago." 

"Hey, it's not your fault. The important thing is that you're safe." He says smiling. 

I nod, and before he gets the chance to leave I hug him. He wraps his arms around me and we stand there for a couple seconds. 

"I love you, Gerard." I say squeezing his chubby sides harder. 

"I love you too, sis." He says, and we both simultaneously let go of each other. 

"Now go get some sleep and we'll talk later." He says smiling, and pats my head before he leaves, closing the door behind himself. 

I never realized how much I missed my brother. 

I walk over to the small twin bed and lie down , and quickly I fall asleep. 

I wake up later next day, and the first thing I see is Mikey and Gerard sitting next to the bed, they've both dozed off. 

My face cracks into a smile as I grab the single pillow on the bed and throw it at them. Gerard immediately jolts up, but Mikey takes a tad bit longer to gain conciseness. Once Gee figures out what has happened he throws the pillow back at me. As he is about to say something the walky-talky strapped into his side emits a fuzzy sound. 

A man's voice says "Party Poison we need you and Kobra Kid down at HQ now" 

Gerard scarcely looks up at me as he nods towards Mikey and they both start to leave. 

"We have to go! Please stay here and don't go running off for a change! We'll be back soon!" Says Gerard as he bolts out the door, quickly followed by Mikey, who is awkwardly hobbling behind him. 

I sigh, get out of the warm bed and decide to go find a washroom. 

As I leave my room I wander down the hallway, opening a door here and there, most of them are locked except for one. I graze my hand against the wall looking for a light switch, which when I finally find, I switch on. The bright lights switch on and I'm blinded for a second, when my eyes finally adjust I see the most glorious thing ever invented by man. Standing in front of me is an empty shower and toilet. Smiling, I lock the door behind me and start to strip. I place my foot into the cold, ceramic shower and slowly turn the hot water knob. I cross my fingers that it actually works, and I am rewarded with a slight groan of the pipes and then a steady stream of steaming water. 

After my refreshingly cold shower, I grab the brown towel hanging off the towel rack. It seems clean, enough so I wind it around my body. 

I step in front of the mirror and wipe off the condensation with my hand. I peer into the mirror and staring back at me is a young girl, around 25 year of age. Her long, auburn hair hangs off her heart shaped face. She had large, wide-set, hazel eyes, framed by thick black lashes. A small, straight nose was situated in the centre of her face. Her small lips were chapped and cracked, probably from all the sun, which would also explain the peeling skin off her nose, and burnt cheeks.

By the time I had analyzed the girl in the mirror I realized that it was me. It felt weird seeing myself for the first time in , what felt like, months. 

Before I could give it another thought I hear two sets of rushed footsteps sprinting past the bathroom door. I quickly dry myself off and put on my clothes and peek out the door. There was no one in the hallway, so I quietly slipped back into the bedroom I was sleeping in. I decide to wait in the room until someone came and got me, since I didn't want to bother anyone with having to find me. 

We Are The Killjoys From Yesterday[CANCELED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora