book review

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Book: Simon vs the Homospiens Agenda

Author: Becky albertalli

Simon Spier is a closeted gay 16-year-old junior in high school, and a fond musical theater student. Unknown to everyone, including his family and friends, Simon had been emailing with someone named "Blue", using the pseudonym "Jacques". As the two get closer however, Simon starts to get blackmailed, his secret threatened. Now, his sexual orientation and the privacy of the guy that he has been confiding in could be compromised. Simon must find a way to step out of his comfort zone, before he's pushed out, and before he loses Blue.

Rating: 9.5/10

It's an amazing book and I love the book and I finished it in a day.

One thing I didn't like about the book was how Simon's  friends handled him coming out and making it about themselves especially leah, like I know Simon is her best friend but that doesn't entitle her to know everything  about him before anyone else does, look I'm not trying to bash Leah she's a cool character and I'm looking forward to reading her spinoff, but she just sort of peeved me off on the best friend department.

How I found out about the book:
Last year my school librarian mentioned the book during a book club meeting and how they had to read it a few years pior for book club and I thought I'll keep that recommendation in mind when I get a chance to find it.

It wasn't until last month I found the book in the library because they ordered it and I also wanted to read it before I saw the movie adaptation of it.

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