Chapter 1

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Flashback Cas POV (10 months before)

Castiel smiled at his boyfriend as the opening credits for Ferris Bueller's Day Off started rolling. "I love this movie." Cas said to Dean "I've never seen it." Dean admitted to the other boy. Castiel looked at him in disbelief "how? It's an iconic piece of American's film history." Cas said. Dean shrugged and laughed "I just never really had the time or means to watch it." He said amused by cas's reaction. As soon as Matthew Broderick came onto the screen cas started mumbling all of his lines under his breath. Dean watched him smiling at him lovingly. "He's so hot." Cas said to dean without realizing it. "He's like 30 years older than you now!" Dean said laughing when he heard cas. The other boy's face went red with embarrassment "but he's so cute in this movie." Castiel pointed out starting to laugh as well. Cas smiled and closed his eyes as he curled up to his boyfriend

Cas POV(3 days after)

Cas was going through the boxes in his room, try to laugh at all of the good memories he came across. He found a box labeled 'movies with dean♡' castiel felt tears starting to pool in his eyes, he reluctantly opened the box revealing countless dvd cases. He reached for the top movie and looked at the title on the front 'Ferris Bueller's Day Off' the tears started to fall faster than he could wipe them away "god damnit Winchester." He muttered looking at the movie with a loathing glare. Cas hardly noticed that his phone lit up with a notification quickly followed by another. He slowly grabbed his phone looking at the screen and wiped his tears glaring as he saw who had texted him 

Dean: hey honeybee, can we please talk about what happened?

Dean: I'm really really sorry

Castiel: no. Leave me alone. Don't call me honeybee anymore either, you lost that privilege when you made out with someone else, that someone being my fucking ex . 

Dean: Cas, please. I'm sorry, I didn't know that she was your ex. I'm so so so sorry, please I need you..

Read 10:38pm

AN: heyo, thank you for reading this first chapter of my new fanfiction 'Othello and Desdemona' I've had the idea for this story for a while now and finally decided to write it all down. I'll try and update somewhat consistently, but my life is pretty chaotic right now and I'm trying to figure a bunch of stuff out. The chapters for this story will probably vary quite lot in length depending on how much time I have to write them. I hope you enjoy this story, peace out for now~Angel🌸

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