Chapter 2

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Flashback Dean POV(8 months before)

"I love you Cas." Dean blurted out to Castiel. The other boy's face broke into a smile"I love you too Dean." He said smiling at the taller boy "we've talked about this though sweetheart." Cas said laughing slightly "we've been dating for 3 years." He reminded the green eyed boy. "Well yeah, but I just thought that it was good to remind you that I love you and I promise that I will never do anything to hurt you." He said kissing Cas gently. The blue eyed boy kissed back contently.

Flashback(2 weeks before) 

  "Hey! Winchester! Novak! Are you nerds coming to the party that JD's throwing after prom?" A short redhead girl shoved her way through the crowd of people to the two boys standing in the high school hallway. Dean laughed as he saw her "hey Charlie." Castiel said waving at her, he looked at Dean "Do you want to go?" He asked. Dean shrugged "if you want to, sure." He said. Cas turned to Charlie "yeah, I'm guessing you're going with Dorothy?" Cas asked. Charlie nodded smiling "yep!" She said popping the p of yep. The bell rang "that's the warning bell, you two lovebirds better hurry to class." She said winking at them then turning and skipping away.

Cas POV(1 week after)

Cas walked into his first period class dreading the sight he knew would greet him. He slowly went to his seat and sat down ignoring the jeers and taunts he could hear coming from a group of girls who sat near him. He looked up at the classroom doorway hearing someone enter and saw Dean quickly go to his seat behind Cas. Cas looked at his face then quickly looked away, he wasn't going to lie, Dean looked rough. Castiel tried to pay him no mind as he turned back around and looked at his notes for the class. After class dean tried to talk to Cas before he left the room but the other boy just ignored him and walked away. "Cas wait." Dean said insistently following him. Cas continued to ignore him until dean walked in front of him causing him to stumble into dean which in turn made a glare and a frown appear on his face. "Watch where you're going Winchester." Cas muttered rudely as he walked away.

Flashback(5 days before)

"Hey honeybee, what color suit were you planning on wearing for Friday night?" Dean asked Castiel over the phone. "I need to know for when Charlie inevitably brings me shopping for a suit." He said, Cas started to laugh at his boyfriend "I was thinking dark blue with a baby blue tie, does that work?" He asked "ooh, it'll bring out your beautiful eyes." Dean joked flirtatiously. Cas just laughed again "ok, that works. Thanks bee, I love you." Dean said hanging up after hearing Cas say I love you back.

Cas POV (1 month after) 

Cas was cleaning out his closet, something much overdue. He was sorting through old clothes when he came across it. His suit from prom, the flower in his breast pocket had shriveled up and turned black but the suit's color brought back all of his memories of that horrible night. Sobs suddenly wracked castiel's body as all of the memories came rushing back into his head. His breathing started to come in short fast breaths as he shut his eyes tightly. The breaths turned into hyperventilation as he cried trying to muffle the sobs but to no avail, his older brother Gabriel heard him as he was walking by his room and quickly ran into the room to cas's side "hey, hey Cassie. It's alright, it'll be ok." He said soothingly as he gently rubbed his younger brothers back to help calm him down. Cas instinctively leaned into his brother who continued to whisper gentle words to him. Castiel's breathing started to return back to normal as his slowly started to open his eyes. He looked at Gabriel greatfully "thank you." He croaked out softly "no problem bro, it's what I'm here for." He said giving his brother a smile. Cas closed him eyes again and fell asleep against his older brother.

A/N: there's chapter 2! I hope you enjoyed it! I'm working on chapter three right now and I'm going to try and get it up soon, let me know your opinions in the comments- Elliot

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2018 ⏰

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