Poem 8: A Perfect Storm

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(sorry for not uploading recently, been a kinda dry patch and I've had personal stuff going on a lot)

Sitting in the empty darkness
Living in the memories of past faces
Some days I manage to escape
Only to be put back in my space

Looking up I see dark clouds
Sound of thunder around me
Echoing through my infinite mind
Seeking just to be let free

Slipping softly through the waste land
I came across someone like you
Hope filled my broken soul
Only to find it was someone new

Waking up to find it darker
Wishing for a little quicker end
Soul getting worse from the day
Waiting for you to mend

Suddenly I see a light seep through
Feeling only a certain fear
Once I looked into it deeper
I just drew one final tear

Poems From A Awkward Teen Bohemian Where stories live. Discover now