Poem For Laura

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I always said I'd write a poem for you
Well I hope you'll enjoy it
I don't even know if you still care
Some days I still think about it (yeah I rythemed it with it, don't judge)

Words that we used to always say
Woukd you still say them today
Your face just stopped popping up
Yet I can't put my feelings to lay

We never did say goodbye
Just here's looking at you (my last words to her)
Some days I suddenly think of you
I can only hope you do too

It happened too quickly for us
We could just never let it be
Once I was blinded by your love
I still struggle to sometimes see

I remember you perfect smile
How you'd always make it hide
Now I fear I'll never see it again
Washed away with the passing tide

I don't know what you're thinking off
I can only hope it is me
But there's probably somebody else
I can only hope that you're still free

Your photo is still on my phone
Just for when my heart breaks down
My mind can never remember though
I was just your personal clown

I saw you today again
Was he the boy I was told not to fear
A millions words crossed my weakened mind
But I could only produce a tear

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2018 ⏰

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