You cant trust everybody.

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It was Max. But he somehow managed to blend in with the 6 people. Nobody noticed him
He puts a finger to his lips and I quickly look away from him so that I did not expose him.
He quietly climbs a tree that was just above Jake.

"WOAH!!" Max says as he falls off the tree.
Jake reacts quickly and dissapears, letting Max fall on the floor.
Max's eyes turn dark brown as all the men fire at him and he dodges all of them. Max smirks and kicks one of them in the face, making him dissapear. Smoke surrounds Lukas' hands abd he breaks free from the men, grabbing their knives and stabbing them both in their eye and kicking the knives in deeper. They also dissapear. Lukas gets up and runs towards the men holding me back. He grabs them and fills their lungs with smoke. Both of them dissapear. After that blackness. I got knocked out because they used alot of dark magic on me.

Lukas completly ignores  Max and walks to me.
He looks at me.
"Im sorry" he mumbles.
He grabs his water bottle and pours ice cold water all over my face.
That shook me and I woke up but it had given me a tail. He opens my bag and grabs a towel.
He dries me up.
"Lets go,Jess" he tells me
"What about Max?" I ask
Lukas looks at Max. He sighs then runs away.
I was about to leave but the last man was still punching and hurting Max.
"Please stop!" He called out. Clearly wanting help. I go to to the man and he elbows me in the face and continues punching Max. I  grab the man by the neck and he gasps for air. I knock him out.
Max is crying on the floor in a fetal position.
"Max..." i say

Hus crying suddenly turns into laughter.
"You should've gone with Lukas" he says. Max is no longer in the fetal position,instead Brandon was. He elbows me in the face and pins me down. He smirks and bites my ear,nearly ripping it  off.. I quickly put my hands against his neck and try to choke him througj freezing bjt he just looks at me in disgust.

"You're a whore" he says

He punches me in the face  and his hands lighgs up, a small fire coming out of them.
I punch him back, busting his lips.
"C'mon!One last kiss!" He says
"NO!" I yell.
Brandon kisses me forcefully. I try to get him off me, but it was worthless.
After a while he gets off me and sprints away, laughing evily.
I was really scared. I wanted to escape as fast as I could from there so I ran... to home..
I wanted to talk to Ethan about his stranvge behaviour but then my phone rang.
I answered
There was  silence, then a huge scream.
"Aaaah!" It says
"Hello?" I ask
"Sorry.. I was being tickled." It was Annes voice.
"I taught something happened" I say
"Um.. i left a blue case on the table.Dont open it!" She says

"Okay. I wont" I say
"Can you just.... keep it safe?" She asks
"Okay" I say
"Anyways its 11pm so, goodnight Jess"she says
"Goodnight" I sah
Anne hangs up
I decised to go.sleep. it was by far the best idea

Dear Raven (Outcast Angelfish Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now