I want your head!

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It was a nice sunny day, the clouds were white and fluffy as they floated across the blue sky above. The town was alive with vendors shouting sales, children running to and fro, women gossiping, it was all so nice. I had been passively sipping at my tea while I read the day's newspaper in one of the local bars. I had gotten a tip that the Captain of an infamous band of pirates would be making a stop in this town, I have been waiting here for him to come. In the meantime I might as well relax a little, don't want to tier myself out before a big fight. After reading any and all articles I found interesting and worth while, I looked to see if any new bounties had been post in the paper.

"Straw-hat Luffy, huh? Never seen him before. Must be just starting out or somethin'. Hmm, his bounty is pretty good considering but not really worth the time it'd take to track him down. Still, I'll keep an eye out for him just in case." I thought aloud to myself. With nothing left worth reading in the paper, I swallowed down the rest of my delicious tea and got up to leave. Just then, I heard the bell above the door ring as some people entered. I glanced at them as I walked towards the door only to recognize one of them. 

"What luck." I muttered to myself as I watched the group settle down at the bar counter. I observed them closely. There were only five of them, good. I walked up to the one in the red vest and straw hat. 

"Hey there! You guys must be new in town, I don't think I've seen you around before." I asked as I placed a friendly hand on his shoulder.He took a break from stuffing his face with food...a lot of food, how can he eat that much?

"Dash wight!" He said, still having a whole chunk of meat in his mouth before swallowing it down in a big gulp. "My name's Luffy!" He proclaimed cheerfully, what a fool.

"Wait, you mean like the pirate Straw-hat Luffy?" I asked, faking innocent admiration and curiosity. He gave a sturdy nod while he inhaled more food. "Good to know, I have to make sure lest I end up attacking an innocent man." My voice had gone down into a deadly tone, the act is over and so is he.

"Huh?" It was all he could breath out before I drew my swords and slashed at him. I clicked my teeth when his crew mate with green hair stopped me with his own blades.

"What's the big idea?" the Green-haired swordsman said with a sword in his mouth, weirdo. I merely pulled back by twin blades and swung again, and again. I growled as with every swing he would block with at least one of his own swords. Damn. I can't let loose in here, if I do the bar will get destroyed. I continued to clash swords with him, slowly retreating out the door and pretending to lose.

"That's it! You show that guy Zoro!" I heard some long nosed freak shout in the back, must be one of his crew mates. Once we were safely outside I couldn't help but let the corner of my mouth draw up into a smirk.

"What are you smiling about?" The swordsman said in a cocky voice, I'll show him. No more messing around. I flipped my hold on the sword in my right hand so that I was holding it upside down. I could clearly see the swordsman was catching on and preparing his defense in response. I lowered my stance as I twisted my torso and held my swords next to each other and parallel to the ground. With that I leaped up and spun downwards like a top towards my green-haired opponent. Surprised he raised his swords only to have them knocked out of his grasp. With that I landed and spun around kicking him aside.

"Zoro!" I heard one of his crew mates shout. I turned to finish the job when a loud explosion went off near the port. It must be them - the Fang Pirates - the ones I've been waiting for. I sheathed my blades before smiling.

"Sorry, but bigger game just showed up." I said as I did a lazy mock-salute before running off towards the port. As I raced towards the source of cannon fire, citizens ran in the opposite direction, fleeing for their lives. As I neared, I got the Captain of the Fang Pirates in my sight. The cruel man was laughing maniacally as his men continued to bombard the town. His men cut down innocent people and raided shops and homes. I ran straight towards him as I drew my swords. 

With a single attack, the Captain was on his knees. Begging.

"Please! Don't kill me! I'm sorry! I'll give you whatever you want! Just don't kill me!" He blubbered. I hate people like him. I glared down at him not feeling a shred of pity.

"Too late, I'm here for your head. Now whether you come quietly to be imprisoned or prefer I bring your severed head to the marines to collect your bounty, is up to you. Doesn't make a difference to me since I get paid either way." I sated calmly. I'm no blood thirsty killer, even if he's a despicable pirate, I should still give him a chance - just one though.

"Yes! I'll go with you! Thank you!" In the pirate captain's over gleeful appreciation he grabbed hold of the hand that was holding a sword to his throat. How dare he touch me! The pirate scum! I quickly pulled away, cringing.

"Don't touch me." I said in a venomous voice before I began to feel a little light headed. I held my head with one hand as I stumbled back. The laughter I heard ringing in my ear was definitely not my imagination. The Fang Pirates were laughing at me. Damn it! That bastard must have done something to me! The scum bag got up from his groveling once my knees gave out under me.

"Poor little bounty hunter. You should do your homework before trying to catch someone as powerful as me! See, I ate the drain-drain devil fruit - anyone I touch will be drained of all their strength and energy, strength and energy that I get in return!" I grunted as I tried to get back on my feet. I only managed to get on my hands and knees before one of his men kicked me in the stomach. I trembled and curled up in pain. Damn! How am I going to get my way out of this one? Right before I blacked out I heard a loud voice yelling, it sounded ever so slightly familiar.

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