Be a pirate? Never!

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As I slowly drifted awake I was met by a pounding headache. I groaned, rolling over on my back. It felt like I was on what must have been a bed. My eyes fluttered open to be met with a wooden ceiling and a swaying candle lit lamp. "Why is the lamp swaying?" I wondered in a sleepy mumble before sitting up and feeling myself sway as well. At first I though it was because I was still half asleep before I heard what sounded like breaking waves. All of a sudden, I knew I was in a cabin and on a ship. Panicked, I clamored out of the bed and checked over myself. My clothes and cloak were still in place with my swords easily found in the corner of the room. My muscles relaxed a little as I returned them to their place on my hip. I Clearly wasn't a prisoner but where was I? And who's ship was I on? Clearly not the Fang Pirates' ship given that I wasn't dead or in a cell. I prepared myself for the possibility of a fight as he opened the door just a enough to peer out.

My stomach filled with dread when I saw the open sea, making escape far more complicated. Looking around I knew instantly that it wasn't a marine ship. The deck was very noisy with raised voices and laughter. When I opened the door a little further I could see the crew members and was mortified to see a straw hat ravenette in a red vest. I had been abducted by the Straw-hat Pirates.

I mentally slapped myself for being caught by some upstart pirates. Oddly enough, the five people who had been in the bar - with the exception of two others - where the only crew members to be seen. Was their crew really so small? Either way, the biggest problem is that a boat like this would only have one rowboat, if even that. I sighed quietly to myself. Chances are I'll have to take them all on and sail the whole boat by myself back to land. Even then, that was a rather foolish plan, it might work in any other sea but this is the grand line. My options were scarce and full of risk.

Unfortunately, any options I might have had all went out the window the moment a voice called out, "You're awake!" I whipped my head to the crew whose eyes were all on me, I'd been spotted.

"Crap." I cursed under my breath before quickly drawing my swords, the green haired swordsman mirroring me. "Round two?" I joked humorlessly before leaping at my opponent, or 'Zoro' as I remember him being called. He expertly blocked me just as he had done previously.

"You shouldn't be moving yet!" A small, squeaky voice came. He allowed myself to glance towards the source of the voice only to see, "...a raccoon?" I questioned aloud to which I heard the swordsman chuckle in delight while his raccoon friend became quite flustered and angry.

"I'm a reindeer!" It protested towards me. Now that I took another glance it did have what looked like hooves as well as antlers, how strange.

"You should stay focused on your opponent at hand." The swordsman grunted out as he pushed me back with his swords before going in to slash at me. I only smiled at his arrogance as I blocked his swords with mine before quickly ducking to the ground to spin my leg around and trip him. I stood triumphantly when I heard the man make a grunt, his back hitting the deck. As he reached for his swords I put my own on either side of his throat, creating an 'X' with them like an executioner. "I was trying to give you a handicap." I teased with a grin.

"Get away from Zoro!" A loud shout came as a fist flew at me out of nowhere. Caught a little off guard I only barely managed to dodge to my left. The first retracted as though it were elastic, returning to the captain - Straw-hat Luffy. I smiled at him and the rest of his crew. Some of them had prepared themselves for a fight while others panicked and screamed in fear, running around like idiots. There were three of them: a red haired woman, a long nosed guy, and the racco - er - reindeer.

"My apologies~ I had nearly forgotten that it's your head that I need to cash in." I teased the captain who only grinned, seeming pleased at the thought of a fight.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2019 ⏰

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