Skies of sun, skies of rain

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I awoke to sunlight streaming through an open window, and the feeling of my legs tangled in messy sheets. I blinked slowly, for a second believing myself to be back home in the flat with mum. I have expected to hear her voice calling through the air telling me to get my arse up if I wanted my usual morning tea.

And in that moment a voice did call out to me, but it wasn't her voice. And as it rang through ever-changing halls, I realized the sunlit window and familiarity of this bedroom were only tricks played by the tardis to make me feel more at home.

"Rose? Rose are you up? Rose! Your tea's going to be getting cold!"

I laughed softly to myself at how alike he and Jackie Tyler could be at times. Maybe that's why they're always bickering; they're alike in their need to take care of me.

"Rose!" He began banging on the door. Bang, one. Bang, two. Bang, three. Bang, four.

"Rose?" He asked more quietly--hopefully. He always did that, knocked four times and then addressed me in a softer manner.

"It's not locked Doctor, like usual!" I called back to him, just as I do every morning. Slowly the door creaks opened, and I got a glimpse of a pinstriped suit before a head of the most emotional hair you'll ever encounter peered around the edge.

I bit back my laughter as I realized he's wearing his 3D glasses yet again. What he sees in them, only he'll ever know. He pushed them up onto his forehead and looked at me brightly with those eyes. They're eyes that have seen conflict, eyes that have lost more than you could possibly imagine. Yet, when he looks at me, it's like all those long dead memories are whisked away for a long moment, and for that short time, he is young again.

"Good morning Rose, I trust you slept well?" I rolled my eyes at him, and crammed a pillow over my head.

"Mornin' Doctor, what time is it?" I wasn't sure if he understood me, seeing that I was speaking through a pillow and all.

"Somewhere in the 1900s I think..." He replied, and I sighed. Stupid timelord humor.

"Ha Ha very funny. Seriously though, I feel like I went to sleep about twenty minutes ago!" And just like that I whipped the pillow of my head and chucked it across the room at him. It hit him full on in the face, and for a second his look of shock was so funny that I almost fell out of the bed. Then however, he himself picked up the pillow, and hurled it back at me.

Let's just say that you never want to play dodgeball against the Doctor. I got the air knocked out of me, and let out a very unflattering "OOF!" I lay stunned a moment, and then he was there at my side.

"Rose! Rose are you alright! I'm sorry... I didn't mean...!" He then proceeded to pick me up, stand me on my feet, and make sure I could still walk. He brushed a strand of blonde hair back behind my ear, and suddenly he was incredibly close to me.

He cradled my face in his hands, and just stood there, looking.

I held my breath, afraid that if I moved, he would scare, and back away. This is the closest we've been for a while to each other, possibly the closest we've ever been while both being in our right minds.

"Are you alright." He said slowly. It's not a question, but more of a collection of sounds needed to fill the growing silence between us. But I knew he expected me to answer.

"Yes Doctor, I'm alright. Never been better. I've been through worse than a pillow fight." And with that he smiled ever so slightly; the corners of his lips turning up, and he ran a thumb over my cheek before turning away.

I let out the breath I'd been holding, and It came out as a sigh. I saw him pause momentarily at the sound it made, but then he kept going and left the room as quickly as he'd entered.

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