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Waking up to the sound of birds chirping, I instinctively pat the spot besides me, expecting Yume to be there. Slowly, I opened my eyes in confusion only to get upset upon remebring what was going on. I sat up and looked around the room. No one. So I got out of bed and started going towards the kitchen, forming a plan.
"If I was in danger...where would I run to?  Where would she run to? How far could she have gone?" Thoughts like those kept swirling around my head while I was eating breakfast.
In the end I couldn't come up with a plan. But I just decided to wing it and slipped away from Lance, into the outside universe. "She couldnt have gotten that far...actually thats a lie." As I kept looking through and into the woods I noticed markings on the ground. It was kinda muddy so you could slightly make out shoeprints. Slowly fear starting settling in. "What if I get lost forever? What if those guys shoot me.. What if I find Yume but she's dead...what.." Then I got more scared and stopped by a small lake. "Yume...Lance...anyone...please.."

-elsewhere in a ditch/cave thing-

Coughing, I climb up a rock and jump down to a lower ground level. 'The farther down I am...the less likely i'll be found...probably."
Somewhere far above me I could hear faint footsteps. Yeah it was that quiet down here. Pretty terrifying but whatever. 'What should I do now...if I don't get out i'll starve to death. But if I go up i'll get murdered. Agh..' Slowly I stopped walking and sat on the ground. 'Might as well procrastinate the hunger with sleep.' And like that, I passed out.

-then with Lance-

Frantically looking around the mansion, I finally gave up. "Kuro...went outside..jeez that childs gonna die!" So quickly I gathered some things like first aid, food, etc. and set off into the forest.
After what felt like hours of searching, I sat down on a fallen tree. "Where is she.. I needed to protect her.. what a failure of a butler I am" mumbling that, I bitterly laughed to myself.
Sighing and getting up, I continued my search. 'Wherever Kuro is..can't be too far. Unless i'm going in the complete opposite direction. Then that's a problem.' So at that point I decided to do the next best thing. Scream. Taking a big breath I yelled at the top of my lungs. "KUURROOO WHERE ARE YOU!! COME HOME RIGHT NOW!!" And instantly regretted my life decisions because then I had a cough attack. Sitting down and covering my mouth in a attempt to calm down the coughing all I could hope is that she heard me.

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