Navy and Hair

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Iggy, how did you feel when Churchill ordered Operation Catapult in France's navy in WW2? I also date France to cut his hair as the same style with Iggy's


England: *eyes grow cold his body burning with anger before looking down sadly* there was nothing we could do.... I hated the idea of it. He didn't deserve it he already lost so much we couldn't risk any more.

France: *places a hand on his shoulder* Arthur....

England: *flinches slightly* I don't understand how you are able to love me after that! *looks up at him* How? Just how can you give so much after losing everything?!

France: *sits next to him pulling close* Arthur.... calm down.

England: I don't know how you can do that! How?! You've lost everything.

France: not everything.

England; what haven't you lost?!

France: You for one. *smiles* also asker I think England has been through enough today..... so.

England: *leaning on him*

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