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You know, if you wanted to buy something from me,And you know me in real life,I'd GLADLY trade you for a S'mores Frap from Starbucks

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You know, if you wanted to buy something from me,
And you know me in real life,
I'd GLADLY trade you for a S'mores Frap from Starbucks.

I don't get sleep much,
So I have to rely on caffeine..

Been paranoid, you see,
All jumpy and frantic.

Get this-
Usually I'll go through three plates of Fettuccine.
Love that shit.
Even if I haven't eaten much.

But.. last night, I couldn't even finish one.
Guess I'm eating much less than I thought.
Now that I think about it, my pants seem looser than usual..

I mean, I'm still fat.
Just.. not as much anymore.
I suppose my health is taking a huge toll as well.

Sorry for ranting, everyone.
I just- I haven't really had a full out rant in a while,
And there's a lot on my chest at the moment.

You know, debts, requests- cause people don't wanna pay and I'm too nice- paranoia, nightmares, my ongoing depression, et cetera et cetera.

Just.. it's not fun. Due to my personal problems, educational ones are turning up as well.
I'm failing next to everything cause I'll doze off randomly, and get lost. And I'm one who's too full of myself to ask for help, so.. yeah.

Currently working on something, I dunno how long it'll take.
Doing it with an ink pen and sharpies, so..
I'm kinda scared to do it because of my tired state.

But I gotta try.

Here's the sketch, in case something goes wrong

Here's the sketch, in case something goes wrong

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And I'm working on the oc stories.
In case someone cared about that.

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