The beginning of a nightmare

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I hate my life. My parents are divorced and I have the worst stepbrother you could think of. People pick on me in school - probably because I'm 'the rich girl who lives in a mansion whose parents have a lot of money'. Maybe also because my step-brother is the worst bully of the school and of year 13 who physically and mentally hurts everyone. They're all just jealous. Even though I'm in year 11 and mature, the other people in my class aren't.

 "Thea? Thea Miller!" My teacher, Mr Wilson, snapped me back to reality, and he looked furious. 

"Were you daydreaming again?" I don't think the teachers like me either. 

"Well, erm, uh, I guess I was-"

"Enough! I do not want you wandering off in your own thoughts during class again, understand?" he yelled after interrupting me, yet again. 

"Y-yes sir" I stammered. 

"Good, now back to the lesson", I just hate that guy.

A few painfully long hours later, it was time to go home. I walked home, all alone; I felt lonely despite all the people chattering around me. When I reached my house, I heard my step-dad shout at me for being late. 

"I told you to get home at 3:30 sharp. What is the time now? 3:32! Bill, teach that piece of crap a lesson." Bill, my stepbrother, walked up to me and yanked me back by my hair. He then proceeded to punch me in the stomach before grabbing my neck and punching my eye. 

"That's what you get, no dinner for you."

That was all I could take. I ran straight up to my room, locked the door and cursed the heavens for my misery while wistfully crying myself to sleep. An hour later I woke to the hard knocking at the door "Get out here and do your homework before I come in there are beat the crap out of you!" Screamed my stepdad."I'm coming" I replied " you butt" I whispered.

I came downstairs and walked to the dining table. I placed my homework on the table before sitting down. 

"Hi honey," said my mom as she kissed my forehead. "David, look at Thea's eye. What happened to it?" she asked. 

I was going to tell her the truth when I noticed my Bill and David glaring at me. 

"Um, I ran into a tree. I'm so clumsy," I lied, forcing her a smile.

After I finished my homework, I headed to my room to put it where Bill wouldn't find it and tear it up. I then changed into a pair of red shorts and a black cropped hoodie. 

I went downstairs to watch some Netflix. Bill entered a while later and said "I was here first punk." 

"No you weren't you dumbass" I retorted... and CRACK! I was on the floor with tears dripping down my face. 

"This is what you deserve. You answer back and I'll make life a living hellhole for you." my stepbrother stated before kicking me in the chest. I gritted my teeth, trying to control the pain I felt whilst desperately gasping for air.

An evil smile appeared across my brothers face as he grabbed me by the throat and punched me in the face three times. 

"Stop please, I'm sorry!" I cried out to him. 

"Good girl," he said before letting me go. I instantly ran back to my room and locked the door before sinking onto the floor and silently sobbing.

If this was going to be my life, then I had made my decision. I had no purpose in life. The next day would be the day. I'd go to school one last time and my plan would take place tomorrow evening, and I swore it would.


Hey guys! This is Yukhitha, the writer of the story, I hope you are enjoying the story so far. I'm the writer and my friend Danielle is the co-writer. I am NOT responsible for the swear words lmao, she is! 

Anyways, I will continue the story whenever I can. I am so excited because this is the first story I'm publishing to the web. CAN'T WAIT FOR PEOPLE TO SEE IT!!!!

Okay then, see ya in the next chapter!

Lost in the City - Book 1 of Superpower seriesWhere stories live. Discover now