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I woke up, everything was black. It was a dark room. There was something tight tied around me, it was a rope. "Ugh, I hate this!" I thought in my head. I could hear faint murmuring outside. All of a sudden, a short guy in black clothes walked in and hit me with a whip. "AAARGH, GET AWAY FROM ME YOU DUMBO!" I screamed. "STOP SCREAMING. MY EARS ARE RUPTURED BECAUSE OF Y-",

His shouting was interrupted by other people shouting outside. And then out of the blue, a cute guy, about a year older than me, barged into the room by breaking down the door and tackled the short guy, he then quickly untied me. I then got up and started kicking the short guy and punching him. Hey, a teen's gotta have some karate skills! Soon the guy was on the ground, moaning in pain.

Then I turned around and started smiling like a madman looking at the guy, oh wait, I realized something! "Hey, aren't you Alistair? The guy who got lost that I saw on the news?" I asked, still smiling. "Yes, but this isn't the time to talk about this, we gotta go, like now!" he replied and right when we sprinted for the door, other guys walked in and right at that moment we shut the door on their faces.

When we opened the door again the guys were on the floor groaning. "Why was everyone falling to the floor? Lol!" I thought. We ran to the door and ran out. We ran as fast as our legs could take us and finally, we got away. "Yeah, I'm Alistair, what about you?" he asked while panting. "I'm Thea, It's amazing to meet you, I mean, seriously bruh, YOU SAVED MY LIFE!" I replied while panting too. "Haha, no big deal!" he laughed.

"But wait, aren't you the Alistair that ran away and the one that is lost and missing and the person the police is searching for?"

"Well, I wanna tell you a secret. Yes, that is me. I ran away cuz I hate my life and I wanna stay away from it. My parents were amazing, but i-it, it was the b-bullies. I cried every day, I felt like there was no reason to live, but then I got a great idea. To run, run away forever and forget about absolutely everything that happened. But I will miss my parents and my parents will miss me," he said.

"I think both of us share the same fate! I ran away cause I hated my life too. I have tried to die but I was saved. I just wanted to have an enjoyable time in the city far away from my life, far where my step-dad and step-brother bully couldn't hurt me. My mom will miss me and I will miss her too though," I replied.

"You must be in the news headlines by now, lol! They must have been like 'SAVE THE LITTLE KIDS, OH MAH GAWD!!' haha!" he joked in a silly voice.

Yeah, but the thing is we aren't even little kids, so what would they say? 'SAVE THE OLD LITTLE KIDS' lol!" and we both cracked up laughing.

That was when I felt something, something good. It felt like inseparability and a great milestone of friendship. We were gonna be together forever.


Hey guys hope you like this so far, do you like Alistair? Comment down below!

Yours truly, Yukhitha!

Lost in the City - Book 1 of Superpower seriesWhere stories live. Discover now