Chapter 3 - Quitting My A$$

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I walked back into the mall and went to the food court

I order some Pizza Hut for myself because yeah

I can eat a pizza by myself

I decided to go back home and eat it there

I never liked staying outside my house for too long

While walking to my house I was trying to find a reason for them to not quit

If the monteen gang quits the bangtan7 will probably too

I went up to my room and ate there

While letting the tv play in the background

"Pizza is my life"

I quoted from Mark

He always had deep meaningful thoughts

I checked the time

7:00 pm


It was still so early and I had nothing to do

So I finished my pizza and lay on my bed

"I'm so bored ughhhh" I browsed through my

phone but got bored of it easily so I closed my

eyes and lasted on my bed

Plot twist

I wake up in Jin hyung's door mat

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