Winter Has Come

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Uploading a day early due to a busy upcoming week:3

Early mornings for Forrest came naturally, having become so used to rising with the sun and falling with it. While staying up late she had been able to do; she could not bring herself to sleep in. The instant the sunlight would come through the windows she would be up. Her attire had not changed much, generally speaking. She still wore tight legging style pants with her wrapped rider's boots. It was so much warmer in the city, and the surrounding landscape she wore tank tops similar to Tayla's. Sweatpants had become a favorite, seeing as she spent most her evenings in them. It was not uncommon to see her sitting cross-legged in the infirmary working on things when she is unable to sleep. While things had improved, she still found herself unable to drift off some nights.

They had a bit of a routine, in the mornings anyway. While it had taken a bit for Carson to get used to, he had managed to start waking up around the same time she did. It was actually strange to her, having formed a close friendship with someone human. She had never really gotten along with others her age, simply for the fact that she was a bit more of a free thinker in comparison. She enjoyed the friends she had formed in the elegant city, but she knew she was closest to him. Hours working together allows people to get to know one another well enough. She walked down the hallway, turning to stop at his door before knocking lightly to let him know she was ready to head out. Castiel curled in the messenger bag that hung over her shoulder. The doors slid open, as he walked out with a smile. "You excited?" moving off and down the hall side by side. "I am excited to see Malco, maybe some of the others if I am allowed to wander farther South." He smiled, "Always feels good to return home now and then." Feeling a twang of homesickness himself, as she glanced over. "I'm sad you are not going with us. Malco would probably love to see you again too." "Aye, but since we ran all of our tests last night, someone has to go over them."

They did not often eat breakfast first thing, Forrest explaining that she had never had an appetite first thing in the morning. They would generally get a few things done before eating a late one. Not today, sadly, as the pair began to make their way to the jumper bay. Knowing full well that the others were probably already getting ready inside. Forrest refused to wear most the gear they did; she felt it was terrible luck anyway after her first mission. No one told her otherwise, seeing as she could keep an attack dragon in her bag for emergencies. They walked into the jumper bay, Carson watching that look of wonder on her face that always took hold whenever she stepped inside. He found it strange, she had such a sense of wonder, and curiosity, everything about the city left her blown away. "Ready to go Forrest?" John's head popping out from the back of the jumper as the two doctors stopped on the back hatch. Everyone inside offering a welcoming smile. "Ready as I can be." Carson watched as she walked up and into the jumper before she turned to look back. "Give Malco my regards." She smiled, "Will do, see you when we get back." He stepped off the hatch, watching as it closed before turning to walk out of the bay. He had a lot to get done, and it almost felt wrong doing it alone.

Forrest walked up, looking at the others who had happily taken their seats in the jumper. "Sorry, they called them before you got here." John explaining as Forrest smirked. "That's fine." Castiel hopped out of her messenger bag, bouncing up to the spot on the dash of the jumper he found comfortable. "Does he like to sit here for a reason?" Teyla asking curiously as the dragon seemed to curl up in a ball, head looking out the front of the jumper. "He likes to be able to see out, for him it makes it like he is still flying without the effort." She explained as she turned to sit down on one of the back benches. While her leg had healed in the time that had past, she still had the occasional soreness. She hoped she could get a hold of some of her old research and fix the problem.

*Never felt you so sad over someone.* Castiel's voice calmly cooing into her head with a teasing tone. *What do you mean?* *You are quite sad to leave him behind today. You know I can feel it.* She knew where the dragon was going with the conversation, as the jumper hummed to life and lift off the ground to allow it to drop into the gate room. *Yes, in fact I am sad he does not get to go. It will be just us trying to gather medical files while Rodney goes after whatever it is he is looking for.* He was amused, she could feel it as they dropped into the gate room. Able to see the gate in front of the jumper. "Okay guys, we need to make this fast as possible, I did have plans today." John announcing to the entire jumper, Castiel looking at him curiously. Carson had managed to explain the country-specific holiday over dinner the night before. "You mean prepping for tonight?" Ronon asking as he leaned back in his seat. "Yes as a matter of fact." "You have nearly half your marines working on it, they will be fine without you." Rodney shaking his head as he looked at the gate. "Let's just go Canadian killjoy." She had yet to find the experience of traveling through the gate enjoyable, she did rather dislike it. Much like the transporters the idea of being dematerialized left her a bit on the uneasy side. Everyone had come to poke fun at the idea that being bonded to a dragon was reasonable and feasible for her, compared to gate and transporter use.

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