Dragon Home

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The ride back in the jumper was a quiet one, but the feel of the air was different. It was not sullen, and low like it had been on the way up. Forrest didn't sit and look at her hands, she looked ahead, a small smile staying on her face as she seemed to be lost in her thoughts. The thing was, so was he. Something about listening to her speak had made things different. He had gotten to see her at a fragile point, yet he didn't feel it made matters worse. If anything, he had a better understanding of her, who she was. It was a fight inside his head, with what he felt deep down was happening, and what he wanted to happen. That deep down voice in his head, telling him exactly where things were going, and how he should be acting. The voice in his head that had gotten him into situations he never wanted to repeat. So he ignored it and fought it. Whenever it decided to try and rear its ugly head.

He could see how she shifted forward, as he landed the jumper next to the others. "You better be ready to learn names." She was already out of the seat, leaving him behind as he stood from the seat, watching how she quickly had the door of the jumper down and was out in the snow. He paused, standing in the doorway of the jumper and just watched, The way her dark silver hair shined in the snow, as the flakes began to cling to it. How a dark green dragon ran to her and tackled her into the snow. She laughed, managing to scramble to her feet as the dragon trilled around her before she caught the small-sized dragon in her arms and hugged it close. "I missed you too Cazador." Her eyes glancing to Carson before she waved him over. He had to admit, he was nervous about the dragons, their size and numbers growing. He did not know all of them. But he walked over, the others gathering around as well. "Carson, this is Cazador, an old friend." She explained, the dark green dragon humming his greeting. "Nice to meet you Cazador." The introduction cut off by John. "Alright, so everyone is here right? How are we going to load everyone in?" Castiel suddenly appearing from the snow, gliding onto Forrest's shoulders. "Well, I can tell the masses at the same time as you." She said before turning and walking for the university doors, Cazador dropping from her arms to run ahead. "Well okay then.." The three marines and Ronon quickly following after. Carson went to walk after them but was stopped. "So where did you two go?" He found the voice quickly, seeing Rodney and Zelenka in the back of one of the jumpers. "Nowhere too impressive." He called over, watching as they both set bags filled with Loonrian tablets into the overhead bins on the jumper. "You are a shit liar Carson!" He ignored his friend's comment, knowing full well that the two scientists had been discussing things amongst themselves for a while, and intended to keep at it. He walked up the stone steps, already the snow that had been cleared off being replaced with a few inches of fresh powder. Treading carefully to ensure he did not slip.

When he walked in the doors, he was shocked and left in awe all the same time. Roughly three thousand dragons all sat in silence, shrank down to the incredibly small size. All sorts of colors and patterns spread across the dim room, making him quickly realize that the little light they had was fading fast. In front of the large masses; Castiel, Malco, and Cazador stood, in their mid-sized forms, with two other dragons he did not know. Forrest standing with them just behind her. She looked at the large group that now in silence focused purely on her. "Okay, everyone! We need to try and make this as easy as possible. So please listen close, and remember who you are to stick with. This dragon will be taking you to the jumper you will be riding with. Malco, Castiel, Cazador, Papura, and Rikarie are our heads. Our pilots will be in the forward half of the ships, blocked off from the back. This is for everyone's safety. You will all load in, and once everyone is inside your head will let the pilot know it is safe to close the back hatch. From there, you all need to sit tight and wait. It will not take long for us to get to our new home. Please, no panicking, or fighting about things. So with that, we are all going to head out and get the ships ready. I will let Castiel know when we are ready, and he will let you know when you can all start to come out." She paused, and then smiled. "They have offered all of us, a safety. Welcomed us to their world with open arms, be kind, and be courteous to them. I will have a wonderful place to show you all when we get there." She was met with thousands of small trills and purrs, as the dragons happily expressed their excitement. "That's our cue." John looking to Carson and the others as they slipped out of the university.

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