Chapter 11

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I opened my eyes, debris was scattered around me. Dust from all the broken stone and smoke from burning buildings scattered in the air. Looking around multiple dead Hina knights laid around me. Looking over I saw Rose trapped under some fallen debris. I got to my feet and stumble around before catching my balance. Walking a couple feet I trip over something and fell to the ground. Looking to see what I fell over I see Captain Greg who was dead. He was impaled on a broken wood plank from a destroyed house. I got back to my feet where someone appeared out of the smoke. Getting a closer look I saw Dodger. He saw me and made his way over to me. My head was still spinning and I was having a hard time walking straight. When Dodger got over to me he leaned me on him and began to walk me away from Rose. "Its okay Turtle, I got you."

"Rose..." I said pushing Dodger off me so I could get to her since he wasn't. I walked over to her and tried to lift the stone off her. It was too heavy for me. Dodger ran over to me and saw what I was doing. He then helped me. With both of us lifting was just enough to move the stone off her. I pulled her out of the debris and tried to wake her. She lifted her arm without opening her eyes and grabbed me. She then passed out again. Dodger picked her up and put her up and placed her on his shoulder.

"Come on Turtle, I got her." He said. I got up and followed Dodger out of the smoke. Stepping out of the smoke and dust I got a clear picture of what was happening. The first thing I saw was the giant zombie recking the village. Catapults were launching flaming boulders at it. It was slowing it down enough for now. People ran around like chickens with their heads chopped off. Families and civilians collected each other and made their way to the city exits. Soldiers ran around carelessly too. Some cried over their fallen friends and some ran with the civilians, others actually tried to help and solve the problems at hand. Dodger placed Rose on a table and had some mages, who were healing injured come over and helped her. Their mages were mostly boys and wore the same armor as Hina kingdom did. Most of them where humans others were not. I leaned against a still standing wall and one mage came over to me.

"Are you okay sir, do you need aid?!" She said, yelling over the commotion happening.

"Im fine just give me a second." I said. Realizing I was fine she ran off to go help others. The world stopped spinning and I found Dodger who was talking to some soldiers fighting to save the village.

"Fire! We need to burn that beast to ashes." Dodger said.

"What?" I said arriving.

"Turtle...good to have you here to help, Its a zombie like creature, our weapons aren't going to have any effect on it, our last chance to kill it and save the village is to burn it to ashes." He said.

"Were already throwing fire at him, its not working." One soldier said.

"No, we need to catch it on fire, not throw fire at it, he'll just deflect it." Dodger said.

"We don't have anything big enough to do that." Another soldier claimed.

"If its fire you want, I might be able to help." Loshi said coming out of nowhere. When he talked he almost sounded happy and cheerful, even in a time of panic like this.

"How?" I said.

"I got this." Loshi said. "I need to get as close to him as possible." He said.

"Screw it, the man has a plan, its farther then we were, we got this." Dodger said and commanded the soldier to tell the people shooting boulders at it to keep it up and distract it. "The rest is up to you." Dodger said to Loshi. Loshi smile and ran into the town toward the giant. Next thing you know an arrow flew by me and hit a soldier standing by Dodger. Looking back to see the source of the arrow we saw men running into the kingdom with swords and screaming. "Those are the men that attacked Cloaked kingdom." Dodger said.

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