Stanford's Mansion

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Since BTS is having a concert in L.A Winter invited the boys and the staffs to go and visit to their house no I'm sorry their Mansion. Winter came from a wealthy family,They have a clothing line that is Famous All over the world especially in Asia.

When they arrived to their hotel,Winter asked the boys if they want to go to her house and they said yes.They are so excited to visit Winter's house and they have no Idea that she's THAT rich.

When they finally arrived to winter's house their eyes are gets wider and their jaw dropped to the ground.

When they finally arrived to winter's house their eyes are gets wider and their jaw dropped to the ground

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"Waah is this really your house?" Tae said still looking at the mansion.

"Ne Taehyung oppa" She said "Follow me,Mom and Dad are probably inside" She started to walk and while the boys following her.

"Waahh Winter-ah you're really a princess" Hoseok said.

"Huh? Wae?"

"Look at your house,It looks like a Castle" Hoseok said while looking around.Winter just laugh and keep walking.

"Winter is that you?" A middle age lady who looks like she's in her 40's

"Mommy!" Winter said when she saw the lady and run towards her and hugged her.

"I missed you so much mommy" She said while hugging her mom

"I missed you too my princess" She replied

"What about me? Didn't you miss me my princess?" The man said

"Daddy!" She ran to her dad and hugged him

"Of course I missed you too!"

Her dad chuckles " I missed you also my princess" He said and let go of the hug.

"Uhmm...Dad by the way my bandmates" Winter saif and walked towards the boys.

"Annyeonghaseyeo Mr and Mrs Stanford" The boys said and bowed to them.

"Wahhh they are so adorable" Winter's mom said.

"Hello everyone,Thank you for taking care of our baby" Mr Stanford said

"Dad! I'm not a baby" She said and pout.

"Yes you are!" The two men said while walking down the stairs.

"Oppas!" She said while smiling brightly.Zeus quickly run towards winter and give her a very tight hug.

"I really missed you baby princess" He said while hugging her.

"Stop calling me that,I missed you too but please let me go I can't breath" She said

"Yah yah! Stop that your hurting her" Zach said and by that Zeus let her go (he's kinda scared of his older brother btw who doesn't?" Lol)

"Phew thank you oppa your my life saver" Winter joked

"Anything for my princess" Zach said and hug her.

"Oh we have a visitor here! Welcome to our Home boys" Zach said happily

"Thank you Hyung" The boys said
"Btw I have to go to the kitchen to prepare some foods,Zach Zeus help me" Mrs Stanford said

"Okay mom" They said and walked to the kitchen.

Winter and the boys left in the living room.

"So...Let's go? I'm gonna tour you to the house" Winter said

"Correction Mansion" Jimin said

"Whatever,Let's go"

"So guys this is my room,It's kinda girly because mom wanted it" She said while entering to her room with the boys.

----------"So guys this is my room,It's kinda girly because mom wanted it" She said while entering to her room with the boys

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"Wow your room is so cute and I like the color of it" Jin said admiring your room.

"Come I'll show you my walk in closet I'm sure you gonna love it" She said

"Come I'll show you my walk in closet I'm sure you gonna love it" She said

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"Waahh my eyes are so blessed" Jin said that made everyone chuckle

"Wow princess we know that you came from a wealthy family but we don't know that your THAT rich"Namjoon said

"Can we stay here forever?" Tae said admiring your gucci clothes

"You can sleepover here if you want but asked pdnim first" Winter said

"YAAAAAAY!" The boy said happily.

They stayed in Winter's room to sleepover there and watched some movies and played random games and Sleepd while cuddling each other.

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