chapter 15

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Favourite comments 

*** about time he decides to man up

by mayflower20024

 ***Lol, ur comments on here r hilarious and this is my all time fav book:3 AH, landshark.. Well anyways... I hope adrian turns evil and beats everyone except Leah (that’s her name right?;$)

by beccababyboo   

*** Psh, I didn't hear anything. *crosses arms* See, here's the thing, though. My Dad had always told me to shake hands with patience. I don’t like patience, though, so I never did. You can see my dilema here, right? And that’s just makes me want to read it more! D-: lol


Thanks for reading :D 


Leah’s POV

“ADRIAN WAIT!” I shouted, but he kept going towards the forest “Adrian.” I whimpered.

Why did this have to happen, everything was going perfect then this had to happen. Sighing in frustration I walked to my car, starting it up I sped to my first destination-Adrian’s house; I highly doubt he’ll be there but I can only hope, especially in this downpour.

I stopped at a red light and thought about how Adrian must be feeling right now, he can’t be alone; he needs me by his side. I have to get to him; he has to know that I will always be by him no matter what.

“Come on, Come on” I impatiently waited for the light to change and when it did I hit the gas. I got to Adrian’s house in record time, not caring about the rain I ran to the door and knocked knowing full well that his grandma isn’t there but he is.

“Adrian, open the door, I know you’re in there!” I shouted through the rain. “Come on Adrian, please let me in.” I continued to knock, each getting harder and louder but still nothing. It was like I was calling to an abandoned house, no one answers back but I knew he was listening, I could feel him.

“Adrian I know your hurt right now, and I can never guess how much it hurts but you have to let me in; you can’t be alone Adrian, you need someone with you. You have me Adrian…you have me, so you’re not alone…please open the door” my voice started getting smaller and smaller as I reached deaf ears “Please.” I cried one more time.

I waited by the doorstep, not moving until he opened up. I huddled in the corner pulling my jacket close, trying to keep the warmth that seems to be escaping from the bitter elements. I don’t know how long I stayed there until my phone rang “Leah, finally I was calling you for hours” I don’t know if Jack’s exaggerating or not “when are you coming home, I’m cold and hungry, please come make me soup” he whined. Shaking my head, I smiled at his childishness.

“I’m coming home now” I said shivering, my back and neck stiff from my lack of movement. Guess it was time I headed home. I don’t think I could last much longer. Ending the call; I gave the door once last glance, hoping that it will magically open but it didn’t. I sighed before turning around and heading to the car.

I prayed Adrian is okay, and can only hope that he conquers his insecurities and accept them as a part of him. When he decides to do that I will be right next to him every step of the way.


I woke up from a restless night thinking about Adrian. “I’ll find him today” I mumbled while getting ready for school. I need to make sure he’s alright, to reassure him he’s not alone. Thinking about that made me hasten my speed.

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