Chapter 12

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The morning after the 'incident' they all arrived back at fairy tail with a grumpy Gajeel and a mischievous natsu and grey.

"I can tell something bad happened..." erza sighed as she saw Gajeel growl at Natsu and grey who was laughing. Levy sighed sitting next to her scarlet haired companion.

"Gajeel will kill those two..." she sighed leaning forward, elbows on the table watching the boys, erza sighed as the three of them began to brawl, Pantherlily walked into the guild and flew over to levy and sat in her lap purring as she petted him.

"the sorcerer's weekly magazine just came out guys!" Mira said as she held up a copy above her head, Elfman, Gajeel, Laxus, Natsu, and grey raced over looking at the photos.

"who's the middle page?" Natsu asked as he flicked through the pages to see Laxus and Gajeel on the middle A3 page, Gajeel and Laxus cheered as the others groaned. As the day went on Gajeel and Pantherlily went on an s-class job being bodyguards for the rest of the month leading into winter.

"imma miss you Gajeel..." Levy said she was over at gajeel's house the night before him and Pantherlily left.

"imma miss you too shorty..." Gajeel said pulling her closer to his chest, levy snaked her arms up to his chest to around his neck. They were kissing for a while before they both fell asleep. Just as Gajeel was about to drift off, it started storming and he heard Pantherlily run into the room and crawled in-between him and levy then falling asleep, he smiled to himself then fell asleep also. In the early morning, Gajeel and Pantherlily woke up and got packed ready to go. Gajeel was wearing a black t-shirt which ended mid-bicep with his long deep brown jacket that had a dull flame pattern on the ends of the sleeves, he wore black jeans and his signature boots and gloves, Pantherlily wore a brown coat with a black shirt, his signature pants and shoes and his song sword in its hilt on his back. Gajeel signalled for Pantherlily that it's time to go, he nodded as he followed Gajeel out, Pantherlily wouldn't admit but Gajeel looked badass with his hair cut short now, he had realized Gajeel had scars on the back of his neck and on his skull, it made more sense why he had let it grow so long.

"how long will it take to get there?" Gajeel asked his hands in his pockets walking as Lily was flying beside his head.

"20 minutes tops, then we are looking for a marble manor... the master of the house is some guy called Monty Carlos..." Pantherlily said scanning through the flyer, Gajeel nodded as they walked to the train station. Fortunately for him, Gajeel found a trick on how not to get motion sickness and he wasn't planning to share it with the other dragon layers, it was to just to simply chew gum.

"you got the goods?" Pantherlily asked as Gajeel smirked holding up the packet.

"hell yeah... first thing I grabbed" Pantherlily chuckled as they were approaching the train station. Gajeel started chewing the gum as they got onto the train, they both settled down for the ride. After the train ride, they went to the famous marble manor, Pantherlily knocked on the massive doors as a butler came shortly after letting them both in straight away.

"Miss Mirajane notified me you both where coming... right this way gentlemen..." the butler said as Gajeel and Pantherlily followed the man into a room where all the family had gathered as if waiting for Gajeel and Pantherlily to arrive.

"welcome Gajeel and Pantherlily, I am the master of the house Monty Carlos, this is my wife Sharon, my eldest daughter Lauren and my youngest daughter Kati, welcome to the marble manor." Monty bowed his head slightly, the wizards both did the same out of respect.

"we can tell you're here for the bodyguard position, it is for Lauren, she has been stalked by a dark guild, as I can tell you know all about that... we want you both to stay by her side and eliminate anyone who gets too close." Sharon said with her head high, Gajeel and Pantherlily listened and in the corner of their eye's saw Lauren and Kati holding each other hand as if they were scared.

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