||Author's Note||

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Hi everyone!
And welcome!

I know I have been away from publishing books for a very long time now. Those who have followed me must have known from my posts recently for how excited I am about this book!

The reason? Well, while I was writing my first Batman oriented book (Dark Knight: Chaos) I was really excited about to finish it. Sadly, the finished product wasn't something that I was very proud about. So I decided to redeem myself by doing a sequel to that book.

A direct sequel. While rounding off many ideas, I came across a number of plotlines and kept writing it down. By the time I finished rounding plotlines I realized that I now have a plotline worth three whopping books!

So, I decided to make a trilogy about it. Even though I had winded up with ideas long before,I couldn't begin with it. I had other commitments like a Justice League sequel book, a Flash solo book and a book on Aquaman to write about, so I had to put this idea on a backtrack.

I will be diving deep in Gotham starting the trilogy with Batman as a character and ending it with Bruce Wayne as a person.
Although this book will have everything that we love about Batman, it would also have a series of characters surrounding Batman who I hope you would really care about.

Also, this book marks the beginning of the third juncture of my DC Continued Universe or DCCU and as the first part of the upcoming Bat-family trilogy.

Even though it is connected to my DC Continued Universe(DCCU) it would be completely standalone with everything revolving around Batman only, no side-plots, no cliffhangers, nothing as a consequence for my other books in the DC universe to deal with. Just Batman.

The members of the family who we get to know in this book are-

Batman (Obviously)

Batwoman (I always wanted to portray her in my universe)

Spoiler(Had to bring her, given Tim is leading another team in my DC Continued Universe-The Outsiders!)

Batwing(Yup this is just the beginning of his journey!)

Orphan(Finally! A character very hard to portray with such a rich backstory and beautiful character I wanted to show)

Yes, I know, many will be like-wait, where is Nightwing? Jason? Damian? Barbara? Some will also be like-where is Clayface or Azrael?
Sorry to upset you guys, they are not in this part but few of these will be giving a short appearance in his book and much larger role in the next part, mark my words!

This book is grand in every respect of Bat-family with the members as mentioned above to be joined by remaining Bat-family members in the next books in this thrilling and exciting series.

So PLEASE VOTE FOR any chapter or comment on any chapter or maybe go for both of this as it would mean a lot!

Now shall we?

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