||Chapter 3- Stephanie Brown||

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January 22, 2018
Gotham City,
10:45 PM,
Stephanie Brown's POV,

My name is Stephanie Brown. I am the daughter of the one of  Gotham city's third-rate criminals. My father spent most of my childhood in jail or away from the family, getting the punishment which he deserved. He claimed to be  rehabilitated upon his return to Gotham, but when I discovered that he is actually returning to crime, this time not leaving his trademark clues behind. I decide that something had to be done.

I made a costume for myself, and started calling myself the Spoiler  due to my attempts to spoil his plans I leave clues for police and Batman to capture him and after being convinced by Batman to allow him to be arrested.

Each time my father escaped or started working on some new plan, I started donning my costume again. Eventually, I realized that I like being a superhero, and soon began my regular patrols as Spoiler.

Too cheesy. I know

I knew there was a Batman, I knew there was a Robin. But I was more glad to find out that there was a Batgirl too. I wanted to become the Batgirl someday and in order to achieve that dream of mine I started working in order to impress Batman. I wanted to achieve that symbol so that one day people, young girls would look up to me and I could aspire some good in them.  Even though reluctant to train me, he agreed only after Nightwing made him understand that I need to be kept in check. So basically, the only reason he agreed to  train me was because he viewed me as a threat. Every time during my training session I used to ask him about what I would become, given, during those days apparently the mantle of Robin was a hot mess. A thirteen year old becoming robin, another one already transitioned to Red Robin, one living as an outlaw even for Batman.

"You ready Steph?"

"Yes, just retrieving the final data and transferring them to our mask."

"No problem. I will notify Alfred about our mission by then."

Barbara Gordon aka Batgirl. The first Batgirl, also the Oracle. Daughter of James Gordon a trusted ally of Batman. Maybe that is the main reason he let her take the mantle of Batgirl because he knew who she was and with whom she was related to. Me? I was just a daughter of a third-rate criminal. But she was not like him and neither was Nightwing.

I never realized they cared for me before. They want me to know that he cares for me too, just doesn't know how to show.

I would be watching the back of you guys.  Alfred spoke over the com.

"Alfred joined too?"

"Alfred can be really persuasive."

Nightwing  spoke as he entered my apartment through the window. I mean I know there is something fishy going between those two but why enter my apartment like that? Go to hers like that.

"This better be not a suicide mission Grayson!" Barbara shouts as she raises her fingers towards him which he gently puts down with a smile. Always smiling boy scout.

"It won't be one, until and unless you stay away from Jason."

Wow another one?

"He is there too?" I ask.

"He is on his own mission and I have conveyed to him that we will be going there too. He won't be interfering with our mission and won't allow any of us to do the same in his."

"It's a big charity event Dick. Won't we be recognized?"

"I know. A Gordon and a Wayne. Surely an attention magnet, but with a teenager like her with us, it won't be an issue."

Wow. Don't they realize I am here?

"I am seventeen you dumb lovebirds."

They looked shocked by the revelation but with an embarrassing smile.

These days I feel a little lost. Juggling between Gotham and the new Outsider base to meet Tim. We both started with an offbeat story if being honest. It was Tim who actually persuaded me to continue working with him, actually the Robin back then. Even though we were going out on patrols for three to four months I figured out his identity only after I caught hold of his phone when we were on a date in our civilian identity. No, don't worry I was not spying on him. It was just that we were on a late night dinner date, he had to go to use the restroom and coincidentally his  phone rang. I only picked it up since the contact was labelled as important only to find out it was his teen band back them asking his help in an urgent mission.

But he is changed too much now. The new responsibility of the team formed by Batman named Outsiders has taken toll on him.

"Fine then, let's do this."

Hey guys! I know a very late update. Sorry to hang you all like that(really). This chapter is more like an introduction for Stephanie Brown in my DC universe!
I would be updating the next chapter very soon, I guarantee that!
Hope you guys are enjoying it and thrilled for which direction it is moving towards. You might see some easter eggs for my future chapters or future book in this series. Hold on to it, mention what you found out and I'll give you a shoutout in the next chapter!
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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2018 ⏰

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