Caelum Denique

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Life is a single question- is it all worth it?
Around us, colours run into each other, shadows flit
We try our best to read between the lines and spaces
And embrace the little things that bring us happiness

Does it even matter? Because sometimes, death
Seems to be the only constant
The world changes with my every breath
It’s like a crime movie- and each person’s a suspect

To yourself you must always remain true
Because your soul will never betray you
The people you trust can inflict wounds
And actual angels are a treasured few

Don’t believe them when they say this world is real
Because we’re all driven by hopes and fears
Sparks fly wild from our endeavours
Troubles follow the greatest adventures

Heroes and the brave tread a mournful path
Only at the very end do they cry, heaven at last!
Because fire tests gold; duties are evermore
And those who fight the shadows are left out in the cold

But these are the legends around a bonfire
Their stories warm people’s hearts, and inspire
Courage flames may burn short, but they’re bright
Sparking up the everlasting night

Life is fragile; that makes it beautiful
Mortality and the freedom to choose
The caged bird only yearns to fly
So be certain that your choices are worthwhile

Fight your battles, embrace your liberty
For if you help a single soul, who cares if this isn’t reality
Carpe diem, carpe noctem, with your strongest will
And you’ll rise up to the stars,
Because you know so little of what you are
And what you can be

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