[4] A Perfect Case of Foot in Mouth

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"What is this dark force you forsee in our future?" King Uther, sitting on his throne in the Grand Hall, the Round table cleared of food and pushed near the back, said, his voice bouncing off the stone walls around us. The light shone in through giant windows, adding to the majesty of this room. Merlin looked straight up into the King's eyes from his place in front of him. No one was around him, all of the Court seemed to stand on the sides watching and whispering about the ongoing conversation. I stood slightly behind Merlin, hoping that this intense conversation would not be including my voice.

Then, as if in a movie, as Merlin began talking, a cloud seemed to go over the sun, casting a shadow over the entire King's Court.

"Your Majesty," he stared, "for weeks I have felt a blackness, a buzzing of dark magic in the air that did not concern me until dinner last night. During the Feast, right before Guenevere appeared in this very hall, the buzzing seemed to intensify to a point that only accompanies the practicing of powerful magic. I do not believe in miracles or coincidences, and the appearance of this stranger," he says gesturing to me, "accompanied by the concerning fact that dark magic is being practiced close to the heart of Camelot must have happened for a reason."

The King looked me up and down, seeming to assess me for threats. I don't know what the guy sees since I'm wearing just a tasteless bit of wool, but he turns his attention back to Merlin with a slight frown on his face.

"And what of the girl? You do not believe she may be guilty of practicing the Dark Arts? Of allying herself against us with Morgana?"

"I questioned the prisoner, and I have no reason to believe she is in line with Morgana," Merlin says, his back to me the whole time, but I couldn't help but do a little cheer that he was sticking up for me. "I do believe, however, that her appearance might cause some suspicion and that she might be next on Morgana's list. She may hold valuable information that can help aid Camelot in the fight that is to come."

The King sighed and nodded his crowned head.

"Very well, all charges have been lifted. The prisoner shall stay in the castle under your protection until this threat has been eliminated," he said to Merlin and gave us a dismissive wave of the hand turning his attention to another Court Member who promptly stepped up and began a speech about how someone in the castle was stealing everyone's left shoe. Merlin bowed before turning to me, smiling and walked toward the giant doors behind me. I turned and followed, quiet until we were out of the room and the guards shut the door behind us.

"I get to live in a CASTLE?" I turn to him and freak out. I mean, it's what every little girl dreams about happening! Who wouldn't freak out? Merlin laughed at me before walking down a brightly lit hall. At a very brisk pace, I might add. This place was so huge, I had no idea where I was going or where to go, so I followed him.

"I'm glad you are enjoying this peice of news. Many would kill to be in your place, I hope you realize how lucky you are."

I snorted.

"Pfttt! Lucky to be trapped here even longer? Yeah, sure..." I say, trying to play it cool, but I knew he could see right through it. "Where are we even going?"

"I felt that you have had enough questioning today, so I will let you relax," he said, with a wicked glint in his eye, "...after you meet someone," I groaned, and he continued, keeping his brisk pace down the hall.

"Since I am your protector, I am charged with keeping an eye on you at all times. However, I may not be here for a few days and I need someone to watch over you while I'm gone. This man you are about to meet is my best mate and I trust him with my life...and yours. He will answer any questions or concerns you might have if I am ever absent from Court."

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