Chapter 4: Mafia War Declared

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"Sir, we will be arriving in Gibraltar momentarily, Miss Silver knows you're coming to see her, she's arranged a private audience in her office with you." Said a mafia goon.

"Excellent, we should make our way there then" Schiber says, raising from his seat and placing a champagne flute down, "Let's go then." He continues, exiting the plane. The heat in Gibraltar washes over him like a bath, he begins to walk towards Bayside road, the school has become a crime lab.

The office of Silver is seen slightly beyond, the anger and rage within Schiber drowns out the screams of torture from inside Bayside Crime Lab, one of the teachers wanted in connection to an infamous Mafia boss.

"Mr Schiber, come in." said Adrianne Silver, extending her hand to be shaken.

"You may dispense with the pleasantries woman, but you know why I'm here, it is clear that Reggie Romero received her arm in my mafia empire, heck, her father was part of my smuggling cartel until 2018, when he went missing." Shouted Schiber.

"I agree with you there, but hear me out! Reggie Romero was born in Gibraltar, her birth is registered here!" argued Silver.

"I do not care!" Schiber continued, going red in the face.

"See it from our point of view!" she continued arguing, they were both on their feet.

"No, I will not, I refuse! Reggie Romero is part of the Schiber Empire of New Gibraltar, you cannot take her back into Gibraltar, even if she is your_" he shouted, Adrianne caught him across the head with a crowbar before he finished his sentence.

Schiber's goons entered to find their boss passed out and unconscious. Silver orders them out of Gibraltar permanently, and if they return, there will be a mafia war.

"You shouldn't have knocked Mr Schiber out" said one of the goons

"Why not?" she said, "Girl power, he has to accept that women are becoming the dominant sex in society now!" Silver growled.

"He doesn't see it that way" said the female goon

"Andrew Ibanez, that was the name of the man in his cartel 10 years ago that went missing, wasn't it?" she asked them

"Y-yeah, why?" they replied.

"Because that name, it sounds familiar to me, I must have been 30 odd at the time, but I remember him landing here with a friend all those years ago, what happened to the friend?

"He died." Said the female goon abruptly.

"So, Max Edmunds is dead then?" she continues questioning them.

"Yes, why are you asking us this?" they realise what she is doing.

"Because I now have all I need to topple the Schiber Empire and become the Mafia boss within New Gibraltar as well." She says, "It is war between us now, I'll arrange to join my family to the Carlsons." She continues, pacing around her office.

"But, the only child of Francis Carlson is Rose." Says the male goon

"Indeed, I need a powerful woman in my life too" Silver says, licking her lips.

"You're a creepy woman!" shouts the female goon, "Come on, let's get Schiber home, so we can plan our counter move."

"It won't be so easy. I have captured Terrence Schiber and his crew, New Gibraltar remains undefended now, I can easily take the half that belonged to him and then join in marriage to Rose Carlson and take New Gibraltar in joint rule with her." Adrianne says, as her crew arrests and drags Terrence Schiber from the room, the two goons were killed on the spot as Adrianne prepares her own plane to take New Gibraltar from the Schibers.

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