Chapter 5: Reggie's Discovery

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She lay in the hospital bed, painkiller hot-lined into her veins, she looked around the room and sitting next to her was her Mother and Father. Smiling.

"Mum, Dad?" she said.

They didn't speak, they only smiled at her, she was sure, the blue eyes of her mother staring at her with tears in her eyes, the long flowing dark brown hair at shoulder-length, as Reggie remembered. Her father, brown eyes and black hair, going grey, his face looked different since Dio mentioned Andrew Ibanez to her. But her father was called Romero, like her. There was no way.

She snapped back to reality and, sure enough, Dio was sat where her parents just were, puzzled.

"What happened?" she asked him

"You woke up and called for your parents, then you looked at me with an odd face, I assume you saw your father then." Dio said, leaning forward to place his hand on hers.

"Y-yeah, I saw them both. What were you about to tell me about my Dad, you mentioned the legendary Andrew Ibanez, who I have no idea where he even is to ask if he knew my Dad in some way!" Shouted Reggie frustrated.

"Do you really want to know?" Dio asked, he knew he would have to tell her now if she said yes.

"Yes" Reggie replied, sitting up, the strap of her bra visible on the shoulder, she covered up, "What is this big secret you know about Andrew?"

"His name isn't really Andrew Ibanez, that was the name he took to avoid being identified when he fled the cartel." Dio began

"Then why is he famous for being a smuggler by that name?" Reggie asked

"No, his smuggler name was 'Ibanez' his real name... are you really, really sure?" Dio said, hesitant to say it.

"Of course, I want to know!" Reggie exclaimed, growing frustrated.

"Alright then... Andrew Ibanez's real name was Andrew Romero." Dio finally said, he stood up and took a deep breath, he then sighed a long sigh, and sat back down, folded his arms and crossed his legs, he looked at Reggie's face. She was shocked at this revelation.

"So. I'm." she uttered, wide-eyed, clearly finding out she was related to Andrew Ibanez was a shock to her.

"Yes. You are related." Said Dio, unsure of what her reaction would be

"Why would you_" she began

"YOU ASKED!!" Dio shouted

"NO! I mean, why would you withhold something like THAT from me?!" she yelled, going hysteric.

"I was told to keep it from you!" Dio argued

"BY WHO!!!" Reggie howled

"ANDREW!!!!!!" Dio yelled, then it was silent. They sat staring at each other. A secret that had ripped them apart, now knowledge to both of them.

"Get out." Reggie said, faintly

"What?" Dio asked

"GET OUT!" She shouted.

Dio stood up, gave Reggie a half-smile and walked out of the hospital room. Reggie started sobbing, how could he have not told her? Even if Andrew Ibanez, or Romero now, had told him not to tell her, he should have done so anyway. She lay down again, and after her pillow was soaked in her tears, she fell asleep at last.

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