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¹ ― hopefully you guys won't fight. We're family in here.

² ― mind your words towards others. I know some of us use inappropiate words but don't offended them.

³ ― respect my decision. If your character are debuting late than other trainees, maybe they suit the concept more or they're an active user.

¹ ― please be active to get more chance of debuting.

² ― there will be an active check every month. Maybe twice a month.

¹ ― it's optinal. But don't follow me just to unfollow later.

² ― i do follow back. Just ask and don't be shy around me.

³ ― leave 3+ tags to make this entertainment a great success

¹ ― must be neat and arranged. I won't accept the messy form and I won't read form with less information.

² ― please make your character are realistic. No marysues or what so ever.

¹ ― the face claim can be reserved but please send in your form within 5 days after your reservation.

² ― this book is connected with my applyfic book entitled 'galaxy' so I will informed you in the face claim page.

¹ ― You can give me personal account or your fictional account.

² ― Take notice that I only accepted twitter and instagram account. Other than that are not optinal.

¹ ― dating is allowed. But please let me know.

² ― you are free to date anyone but not the real life idol.

「 FUN 」
¹ ― have fun and enjoy your stay here.

² ― we will served all of you fairly.

EPH ENTERTAINMENT ― openWhere stories live. Discover now