leave me alone

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"Tyrel stop! please leave me alone please!"

"shut up and stop fighting it and maybe ill go easy"

tears are streaming down my face, my body feels so weak and numb, all I can do is cry. I dont know why this is happening why cant he just leave me alone.

"Tyrel ill do whatever you ask just please dont hurt me"

"ya thats what I thought...tell me you love me"

oh hell no out of everything why that. just thinking about saying that to him made me wanna puke.

"I...love you"

oh god dam it felt like a nife went through my chest

"see thats what I like to hear"

then he pinned me to the bed and some of his friends helped hold me down. I felt like nothing but a worthless sex object. at that moment I prayed to god for him to be by my side during this. I knew there was nothing I could do so I was praying god would save me.

Treys pov

after Rosy went to bed me and Steven started playing Gta 5. apparently we fell asleep while playing because I woke up to the sound of someone screaming. at first I was confused then I realized it was Rosy so I ran to her room. she was tossing around in her bed balling her eyes out and had a cold sweat. I ran to her bed and tried to calmly wake her up so I wouldn't scare her. I lightly shook her arm alittle but she didnt wake up she just kept mumbling "stop stop stop"

I went to get a cold wash cloth and rubbed it on her head and I shook her arm again.

"Rosy, Rosy baby wake up you're just dreaming"

then she finally woke up

she was still crying when she woke up so I got in bed with her and just held her. I didn't say anything or ask what it was about because I didnt want to make it worse so I let her cry in my arms. I had my back against the head board of her bed and she cuddled up to me with her head tucked in my chest. I had both arms around her and was rubbing one of my hands thru her hair. she calmed down a little but I could tell she wasnt completely calm so I started singing to her a little and we both fell asleep shortly after.

I woke up early so I decided to make Rosy some breakfast before she had to go to work. I made eggs and bacon and as I was setting the table she came down stairs.

Trey : mornin beautiful

Rosy: good morning, whats all this

Trey: I made breakfast for you

Rosy: thanks, you didnt have to do that tho

Trey: I know but I wanted to

Rosy: well thanks :) it smells good

"your welcome" I told her then kissed her on her for head

Rosy: so I didn't know you could sing

Trey: ...yea...

Rosy: whats wrong?

Trey: nothing, so hows the food

Rosy: its good I gotta get going tho

Trey: aight, do you need a ride?

Rosy: no its ok, thanks tho

Trey: ok see yah later

Rosy's pov

when I got to work the place was bumpin. theres so many people cause we're having a huge blow out sale. I texted Arianna to come thru since we're having a sale.

I walked in the back to get something for a costumer real quick and I started talking to  my friend Sean that works with me

Sean: ayye whos that girl you were talking to do u know her

Rosy: ya I've talked to her a couple times why

Sean: shes sexy!

Rosy : oh god

Sean: her waist anorexic but her ass is colossal  * he said as he made the form of a body with his hands

Rosy: haha ok forreal stop talking about my girl like that or imma punch you

Sean: haha im sorry im sorry but whats her name

Rosy : haa I dont know you gotta figure that outcha self

then I walked away to get back to work. people started leaving and it was less busy so I had more time to talk to Arianna. 

Rosy: hey Ari you see that dude over there with the purple shirt?

Arianna : ooh ya hes cute are you friends with him? 

Rosy: ya...he thinks your cute

Arianna: aww shit really?

Rosy: yup

Arianna : so you gone hook a sista up right! ?

Rosy: ha oh believe me you aint gone need my help with this one

Arianna : ok what does that mean

Rosy: haha just wait for it

Arianna : ok...well, imma go get food you want something

Rosy: yea heres some money can you get me some Chinese food oh eat your food here cause imma go on brake an we can eat it together in the brake room

Arianna : ok see you in like 10 minutes


Sean: dam yo girls leavin

Rosy: nah shel be right back

Sean: oh iaght

Arianna came back a couple minutes later with the food so we went to the brake room to eat

Arianna : so is your brother still with his girl

Rosy: ya why...you dont like him do you?

Arianna : oh god no, no offense but you know what I mean

Rosy: haha ya I got you

Arianna: but ya anyway cause I saw her with some dude but I didnt recognize him

Rosy: girl you shoulda took a picture

Arianna : why?

Rosy: uhh so I could show my brother duh

Arianna: girl your crazy

Rosy: you should go back to take a pic

Arianna: ya or you could just say you saw her and ask who she was with

Rosy: ya cause that always works, I might as well ask her if shes cheating on him

Arianna: ya you could do that to

Rosy: haha girl w.e

Arianna : so whats your friends name?

Rosy: sean

Adriana : imma go introduce myself

Rosy: k have fun

Cant help but wait (Trey songz story)Where stories live. Discover now