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Hey guys!! I hope you all had a good holiday and were able to relax and spend time with your families. Sorry again for taking a while to update

Rosy's pov:

Today I am going to court to see whats gonna happen to Bryce, his mom and her boyfriend. Hopefully they get locked up for a while.


judge: So, Ms . Rodriguez, if I'm not mistaken you let your boyfriend, Mr. Ortiz beat your son right in front of you, and you let it happen?

Crystal: Oh please, he didnt beat him, if anything he was disciplining him, the kid needs to be toughened up anyway.

judge: Are you serious Ms. Rodriguez? Their is a difference between discipline and abuse, you two should learn about it. Hopefully you will in jail.

Crystal: There's no proof of "abuse" and are you really gonna believe a 5 year old, he's just mad that he got punished.

Judge: No their is proof, he has bruises! And he told his teacher Rosy O'Neil what happened.

Crystal: Who the hell is that?

Judge: His teacher... Ms. O'Neil, would you tell us about your relationship with Bryce and what he told you.

Rosy: I met Bryce in Mrs. Joyce's class, I'm her student teacher and im in her class a couple hours a week. Bryce and I clicked instantly, he's the best little boy. A couple times after school i seen him waiting for his mom to pick him up and I wait with him and if she doesn't come I walk home with him and wait with him in front of his house until his mom gets home. (Gco)

Judge: And does his mother ever thank you and apologize for the inconvenience?

Rosy: No, but its not an inconvenience, I don't mind at all, I love spending time with him. He's the best and I just want to make sure he's happy and safe. (Starts crying) When I found out he was in the hospital I lost my mind. I went to see him right when I got out of work. Seeing him lying in the bed broke my heart even though I knew he would be ok.

The doctor asked him to lift his shirt for a second so she could check his breathing, he was nervous at first but he finally did. Then we saw the bruises and I wanted to knock someone out. I couldnt believe and still can't believe that he was getting abused and I never knew. (I said as i shook my head and looked down)

Judge: Ms O'Neil,... Ms O'Neil look at me, its not your fault.

Rosy : I'm with him every single day, I should have been able to figure it out then I would've been able to stop it.

Judge : see ms. Rodriguez, this is what a caring mother, and person in general looks like.

Crystal: ...

Judge: So do you have any family around?

Crystal : No, both my parents died and the I haven't talked to the rest of my family in a while.

Judge: Thats a shame, so Ms. O'Neil, would you like to become a foster mother for Bryce?

Rosy: Whaaa...what?

Crystal: Umm EXCUSE ME!?

Judge: Ms. Rodriguez you're going to jail and even if you weren't you're certainly not fit to rais a child and he needs a loving home and Ms. O'Neil clearly cares about him alot so I suggest you get over yourself and thank her for doing the job that you were ment to do but clearly can't.

Crystal: I am a good mother and i have been all long i just made a mistake and need help.

*is this bitch serious? I thought to myself

Judge: A mistake is something that happens once, not countless times so save the sob for your counselor because this a court room not Jerry Springer and i dont have all day. But back to business, Ms. O'Neil would you like to be his foster mother?

Rosy: ye..yes, I'd love to!

Judge: ok well we'll get going with all the paperwork asap. We just need to do a background check and you can come in tomorrow to fill some things out.

As for you Ms. Rodriguez you have 3 years, $8,000 bail and for you Mr. Ortiz you have 6 years and $10,000 bail.

Let me know how you feelin about the story so far
The  more feedback i get the quicker ill update.

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