Chapter 11

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Junhui POV

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Junhui POV


I overheard two boys talking ahead of me, my anger rose by the second. 

"Man, that breadstick is so stupid, he's wasted so much of my time!" I didn't recognise him as one of the boys who'd attended the dance practice. I don't really think I've seen them before and I don't remember them on the list of group members. To be honest I don't even think I know their names...

They continue ranting, and as much as I want to push them right off that cliff I see in the corner of my vision, that would be quite unnecessary but still quite convenient for me. Less negativity in my life. 

But I still want to get rid of them, one way or another. I'm going to have to think about it more, especially if I don't want to get caught. Well, it's not as if I hadn't done this kind of thing before so it shouldn't be too hard. I remember that it all just began back with my middle school crush.

I remember that one bitch who'd pulled her hair and scribbled all over her books, I had to get rid of her so I decided to make it worse for her. I chuckle internally, as a child, I did lots of silly, immature things. I stuck pins on her chair, put insects in her bag and locker and stuck wet gum in her hats. She was just so jealous HuiYen was so perfect compared to her and she'd never get to her level but she should know not to take it out on her. 

Oh well, that was all a long time ago. Before I realised I didn't feel actually attracted to girls. Now, I had my little Minghao to protect. I need to make him happy because I know he's the one. He's so adorable and kind-hearted and when I win his heart or when he opens up to me(whichever comes first), then nothing will be able to separate us. 

"Yeah, and he's always around those two fags, ha I bet he's one of those things as well he's too pretty-faced for his own good!" One retorts, sneering at Minghao, who seemed completely oblivious to their conversation. "Isn't there another Chinese student or something? I'm not sure I've only heard of him, never seen him though." Those fucking retards I've been in this school for 2 and a half years now I've even had one of them as my partner for 4 science projects last year. 

But it's not as if I interacted much with these nitwits either, plus, I basically did all those science projects by myself while he smoked in the bathroom. I hope he dies quickly. This bitch alone is such a waste of oxygen and I can probably say his friend is just as bad. 

"Either way, we're trapped in this school full of faggots, once I become rich and famous I'm gonna make them all pay haha serves them right! Those dumbasses!" Ok, but how isn't anyone else hearing this?? With that attitude and face, I really don't think any of you would even be able to get any awards or maybe any fans unless you get lucky and end up with some ridiculously talented member who outshines all of them by like 93452043709 light-years. But chances are they won't debut at all they can't dance, sing or rap for shit. 

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