45: A Cruel Reality

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Song: Taken from a game some of you may recognize- Evil Within 2 'Making your way home

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Song: Taken from a game some of you may recognize- Evil Within 2 'Making your way home.'
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I apologize for not updating the chapters. I hope this chapter will at least make up for it<3
Rin pov

After spending the evening with Jungkook and Taehyung, I decided to finally go to my room and sleep. I was too exhausted and drunk to even think. All I felt was the comforting fluffy pillow under my head and the big blanket that tucked around me tightly...

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I saw the doctors rushing in and out of an emergency ICU room. I stood on my toes, trying to get a better look of what was going on, but many of the nurses and doctors blocked any view that I could have had of the room. I stopped moving when I overheard a conversation between two doctors, who were talking about the patient.
"Cause of death was a heart attack; died instantaneously so there was nothing we could do to help him..."
"You did try your best doctor."
"It's a damn mess. The media is freaking out and this is one of the biggest catastrophes of the year."
I wondered about who they were talking about. The patient must have been very important, since the media was getting involved.
"His name was Mr. Park, right sir? Park Jimin."

My eyes widened and my heart felt like it had just stopped. Did they just say 'Jimin'? It could not have been what they said. There was no way it was him.
"He just collapsed so suddenly on stage... It's just so tragic honestly..." One of the doctors mumbled sadly.
"They work these Stars to an early death I tell you." The other one responded, "Jimin became the very example of that."
I could not breathe. I could not just stand and listen anymore. I rushed into the room. The loud sound of a flatline echoed into my ears while the doctors just stood, writing down things and switching off the machine. I could see him. He lay there as if he were just asleep. His eyes so peacefully closed. He rested so peacefully in the chaos surrounding him.
"No..." I choked out. I ran to the closest doctor, shaking his arm and crying, "What the hell is going on?!"
"Who are you-" he paused, looking at my tearful face of fear. "...Ma'm, unfortunately he has passed away from a heart attack... "
I felt my whole world crumbling with just one sentence. I glanced at the doctors who stared at me silently. I looked at the unmoving Jimin. He looked as if he was just resting. Only sleeping. He looked so relaxed and peaceful now. I spoke like a madman to the doctors, "Why is the machine off?! Turn it on and save him!" I pleaded desperately through my gasps and sobs, "please do something!"
I gripped onto the doctors sleeves, "please save Jimin!"
The doctors around me looked at me with sorrow. "Ma'm, we can't do anything more... He passed away ten minutes ago..."
I looked at Jimin's peaceful expression. How could he be so peaceful in such a situation? How could he leave me now?
"No..." I could not believe what I was hearing, "No, no, NO!" I backed away from the machines, from the bed, from the body that no longer carried a soul. The lips as blue as ice, the makeup still perfect. "No..."
"Ma'am I am sorry but we have to remove you from this room." The doctor spoke gently but firmly.

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