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It was a cold that night. The winds were whipping through the trees, rain pouring down from the heavens in gigantic bucket fulls. Alexander Legrande Wolfe (age 17) and his 'two' sisters, Lupus Gaia Wolfe (an 11 year old girl with doe hind legs, ears and small nuby antlers, big round platinum eyes, and a delicate face and body structure) and her Phantom, Rune Krono Wolfe (a 15 year old phantom with a monotone slicked back wispy mohawk that changed with her mood, ear piercings, grey deer hind legs and a tail) were sitting in their shared bedroom in the attic. The attic was a small space; there was a small twin bed that Alex let Lupus have, There was a pile of old blankets at the foot of the bed where Alex slept, The ventilation was visible,the insulation was visible, and all the wiring was visible. Currently, The 'three' were sitting on Lupus's bed. Alex was playing card tricks with Lupus laughing their childish laugh that sounded almost like an angel singing and Rune was pacing around the small space mumbling about random adult stuff that a 30 year old would worry about.

Alexander was a Norse Mythology wolf called a Fenrir having being a distant desendant of Fenrir (Fenrir is the son of loki and giantess Angrboða, which makes him the brother of the serpent and the goddess Hel, the one who killed Odin and ate the sun and moon) he hasn't found his mate yet. Not that he wants to. He cares more about his little sister and her phantom spirit than a little mate that would die before him.

Alex blinked noticing the sounds of snapping in front of his face. Cold, soulless white-grey eyes stared back into his amber ones. Those eyes that could kill with just a glance belonged to Lupus's phantom spirit, Rune. Lupus had been diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder (a spilt personality disorder) when they were just 5 years old. Alex had been 12 at the time and was very happy to help Lupus change their form and get along with their phantom.

Alex was the best person in Lupus's eyes. Alex was very supportive and nice to them and Rune, even when Rune smart mouthed him he was always smiling and happy. Even when their father, Konton Chaos Wolfe, would hurt him and Lupus would always watch in horror as the rust smelling, warm, red liquid ran down from the tip of his head and he would just sit there, smiling not even seeming to notice. Lupus would always run to him bawling their eyes out almost tripping over the sweater that kept falling off their small and thin frame. Alex would always look at her smiling his big goofy smile and letting her cry on him while he cleaned off the blood. But deep down Alex was broken. Their father was in one of his drunken momments and had taken it to far. He would normally insult him, but in that momment he had insulted Lupus. To say it short, Alex was furious doing something he never did. He changed.

Lupus was watching the entire time. From the insults, to the change, to the attack, to the trip to the ER, to when Alex was sent to the Texas State Lunatic Asylum. Lupus was scared that day. It was Alex's birthday when that happened.  On the news though the reporter reported that word had gotten around that there was a new initiate and he was to be put into solitary confinement for he was way to broken. And that he screamed and almost killed the nurses who were trying to put him into the room. He kept saying something like 'Lupus. Can't leave her alone, have to get to her' Since Lupus didnt live that far from the asylum anyways she had let Rune take over and they ran to the asylum. They changed back and walked to the front. 

"I'm here to see my brother Alexander Legrande Wolfe" But the nurse at the desk would just look at her and shook their head. "Way to unstable kid. He ain't allowed visitors" Lupus was furious at that point. "BULLS**T! SO YOUR GOING TO KEEP HIS SISTER AWAY FROM HIM!? EVEN AFTER HE YELLED AND ALMOST KILLED YOUR NURSES TO MAKE SURE I'M SAFE!?" The nurse was shaking at that. Everyone knew Alex's younger sister was scary when they got mad which they hardly ever did. The nurse got up from her chair and scurried off to Alex's cell door with lupus following.

"Here you go....Room 13666" The nurse unlocked and opened the door. "Alexander you have a visitor....a ms....Lupus" Lupus walked in and almost broke down in tears. Alex was sitting against the far wall. In a straight jacket, his sea green eyes were bandaged, chained to the wall. Lupus ran over to him crying, her hooves making a clip clop sound on the concrete floor. Alex looked up. "Lu....pus?" Lupus sat down in front of him and nodded. "I'm so sorry little sister....I'm sorry I couldn't stop myself" Lupus hugged her brother with their ears folded onto their head. "I'm going to miss you Alex.....So much....I'll visit as much as I can...I promise" Alex was smiling softly at her.

"Thank you....Lupus..."

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