Chapter Eight: The other side...

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The Architect woke up adrift in his Dart. He was cold, each breath he took was shallow. When he looked around, he did not recognize anything. Not even the star's where familiar. The ship was cold and lifeless. At first, he tried to mesh wires to get power back on line. It was not until, he smacked the console furiously out of anger, the ship finally sprang to life.

'Sensor data had to be wrong. This had to be wrong.' The Wraith smacked the console again and its light blinked back at him. Power was limited and there was no sense wasting power on a distress signal. There was nothing around to hear him.

The Wraith stared at the glaring blueish light, as his ship drifted away from it slowly. It looked like a small starburst with  arm's that whipped around wildly.  At he time, it seemed hardly big enough to transport his small craft.

 'Perhaps?' He reasoned to himself.  This side of the anomaly proved different, it seemed to have no effect on the normal space around it. Except the large amounts of gasses spewing from it. The debris around the Dart had to be from the station's destruction. No matter how hard the Wraith tried he could not reenter the distortion.

After a few hour's he had no choice but to seek out, any refuge he could find. The Wraith found three planetary system's in sensor range. He could determine little else from the limited data and these distance's. He set course for the smaller of the three systems, hoping he would find just one habitable location.


Several hours later...

The Architect was able to locate a habitable moon. It rotated around the system's enormous gaseous planet. There were only three planets in this system. Two smaller uninhabitable planets, as well as the large gas giant. All of them had several promising moons to choose from. The Wraith only needed one, he could land on.

The Dart's power system's failed, as the ship entered the moon's atmosphere. The small craft was barely in one piece, as it was. The frustrated Wraith did everything he could to maintain control but in the end, there was little he could do. As the ship passed the upper stratosphere the clouds cleared and the surface came into view.

Everything was green, 'Plant life was a good sign. Plants lead to animal's, which leads to hunter's.' The thought was interrupted by the uncontrollable shaking of the Dart as it fell from the sky. Still nothing worked, not even the navigation control's. The Architect was helpless as his ship collided with the moon's surface violently.


Over a full week later, on Crimson's Hive...

"Hull integrity is down to thirty percent. Many systems are offline, hyperdrive, navigation, communications..." The HiveMaster's voice growled as he was cut off by his Queen.

"Do we have sensor's; Can we see where we are?" The female's voice responded. Even the Null-Wikca could feel the concern in her voice. Sinisa woke up to their banter, as they tended to the ship's need's. She was strangely ignored by everyone, except the Queen who only glanced her direction for a second.

"Give me a moment." Rancor hissed as he pushed on the console's controls for several minutes. "This cannot be!" He hissed again.

"Where are we?" The Queen hissed in return. Rancor let go of the controls and turned around slowly. The Queen hissed dis-pleasurably, then rapidly approached his console. The male was out of her way, by the time she reached it.

"Where are our stars!" She hissed furiously, as she read the scans for herself. Rancor took in a long breath and placed his hand on her shoulder as she disbelieved the readouts.

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