Chapter 6: ...Infiltration

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 I think that went well.

Noah seemed to understand where I was coming from. Now he just has to talk to Jack. We need to pull ourselves together or we'll never be able to do well on tomorrow's mission, much less defeat, or even survive, the the Fang's strike team.

After Jack left and I talked to Noah, we really just didn't do much. Noah was sitting just below the window playing video games and Nick was sitting on his bed, looking at his scroll, watching something on it.

I'm just sitting on my bed reading when the first shot is fired.

I don't hear anything but Nick tenses quickly. At the same time, Noah suddenly falls onto his back from a seated position and a bullet hits the floor just above his head, hitting the air where his head was a second ago.

Nick and I both jump to our feet. Noah stands up and I notice his eyes are glowing white. He probably used his semblance to see the bullet coming. He has the ears of a hunter and Nick is a faunus, so they may have heard the shot being fired.

"Single shooter. Top of the building across from us. Silenced sniper rifle." Noah says

"Can you see what he's wearing? Does he have any noticable attributes?"

"Green shawl over a gray shirt. He's also got some kind of lizard tail."

"It's Hunter. The sniper of the strike team." Nick says

"Then let's get him." I reply

"Agreed" Nick affirms

Noah draws his bow and fires off an arrow with a rope trailing it. It hits the side of the building and sticks.

"Already ahead of you." He says

He grabs the rope and pulls as he jumps, pulling himself across to the other building.

I grab my hammer and jump up to the windowsil. I quickly decrease my gravity and leap across to the other building.

Nick appears in a burst of smoke next to me as I notice Hunter standing up and fleeing across the rooftop.

"Go! Don't let him get away!" Noah yells

We take off after him across the rooftop. He slings his rifle over his shoulder and draws a pistol.

He fires a few shots at us as he runs. Noah draws his pistol and shoots the bullets out of the air using his Byakugan.

Hunter jumps off the roof. We reach the end of the roof and look down. Hunter swings off a lamppost using his tail and lands in a crouch.

We jump down after him and he steps back from us, holstering his pistol and drawing an axe from his belt.

On the left, a man in black armor with ram's horns emerges from around the corner. He has a large halberd across his back.

On the right, a man in purple with a fox tail steps out as well. He doesn't seem to carry weapons, but there seems to be some sort of technology on his gauntlets.

This was too well-timed to be a coincidence. It was planned.

An ambush.

"Onyx and Vender." Nick says "All that's missing is Scar. Where's he?"

"Oh, our friend Scar is tying up the last loose end." The man in purple, Vender, says, "Your teammate in red."


"He won't be so easy to take down." Nick replies, "Even for Scar"

"Hm. We'll see about that. But that doesn't concern you, as you won't live long enough to see the outcome."

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