Chapter 8: Search And Destroy

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 I thought the mission would be interesting, I just didn't know how interesting it would be.

When we get to the landing platform, we notice there aren't any airships docked.

"They really need to work on their timing." Noah says "Or just don't say there will be one waiting already."

I look up and notice an airship flying in as he's talking.

"Looks like great timing to me" I say, pointing toward the airship.

Everyone else looks up at the airship as well.

The ship swings around, looking like it's about to do a flyby.

"It's not docking?" Jack asks

As the ship passes over the platform, the bay door on the side opens and someone jumps out.

"What the-?" Alex asks "What's he doing?"

"He doesn't look like he has a parachute!" Noah says, his eyes glowing white as he uses his semblance.

As he nears the ground, the man flips in midair and projects red-hot blasts of fire from his hands to slow his fall, landing in a crouch.

The move seems familiar to me. I've seen Jack do it about a hundred times.

I look over at him and see him smile.

The man walks up to us as the airship docks at the platform. He's wearing a dark red jacket and armor of the same color under it. A sheathed sword hangs at his side.

"Guys." Jack says happily "Meet my father"

"Crimson Lawrence." He replies "I'll be the huntsman supervisor for this mission. I'm looking forward to working with you."


About fifteen minutes later, the airship is cruising over northern Vale, just south of Forever Fall.

"Forever Fall." Jack's father says "For some unknown reason, the whole forest disobeys the laws of physics. Not only is it, well, forever fall, but it also seems to have a never ending supply of dying leaves. They seem to regrow as soon as they fall to the ground. I just think that's amazing."

"Oh, yeah, forgot to mention. My dad is really interested in the unusual." Jack adds

"So, what's the mission?" Noah asks

Focused on the mission, as always.

"Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to go to Forever Fall and clear out Grimm in a set area. As we move through the area, we'll set up electrical fenceposts. Our mission is to clear out a southern area of Forever Fall and block it off. The Vale government is planning to turn at least a small part of Forever Fall as a tourist area."

"A tourist area?" Alex asks

"Do you really think that's a good idea?" I ask

"Me? I think the idea has some merit. Whether or not it's a good idea in execution, we'll have to wait and see." Crimson replies

The dropship hovers low over Forever Fall and the doors open.

"I assume you have good landing strategies" Crimson says "So I'll be seeing you on the ground"

And with that, he jumps out of the ship.

"Well, when in Atlas..." Noah says before jumping out as well.

Jack laughs and follows behind him.

"Want to go first, or should I?" Alex asks

"I don't want to mess up your landing strategy" I say to him

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