Chapter 3: Loki

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"Brother, let us win Asgard a victory together!"

"Are you mad? This is an act of defying father."

"Have you not counted the number of break-ins we have had in the past few days?! They are growing as we speak!"

I looked at him in genuine concern. "Please brother, you cannot defy father and it is too dangerous."

He laughs at my statement. "Dangerous? Brother please. There is nothing that I cannot or have not already defeated."

"Father will not be particularly thrilled when he finds out his two sons have gone off to slay the Frost Giants."

"Loki, have you lost your courage? Have they frightened you so?" He stifles out a laugh.

A low growl leaves my throat as he taunts me. "I have just as much courage as you!"

"Then prove it." A small smirk appears.

"Very well."

"Do not let them touch you brother! It burns!" I hear him yell from the distance.

Distracted by his voice, I felt one of them grab ahold of my arm. To my surprise, I could not feel a burning sensation. I looked down at my arm, only to watch as my arm turned as cold and as blue as the Frost Giant who had my arm in his grasp. Startled, I stabbed him and watched the color of my arm fade back to normal. "What is this?"

"Father we only meant to win you a victory so that Asgard would know peace!"

"Peace?!" His voice booms. "You have started a war. A war that could have been avoided if not for your arrogance!"

Thor looked at me for backup, but my mind was elsewhere.

"What is my true parentage, father?"

His eyes drifted onto me. "What is this nonsense you speak of?"

"Loki, what are you saying?" Thor looks at me in confusion.

"I am not an Odinson! I want to know my true parentage and why you have lied to me for all of my life!" I yell, angrily.

"My son-"

"Do not lie to me again! Tell me why my skin did not burn at the touch of the Frost Giants, but merely turned the same color as theirs!"

He let out a sigh. "You were adopted, yes. But you are still my son and a prince of Asgard!"

"You took me away from my parents and for what? So I could forever live in the shadow of Thor?! The throne was never going to fall onto me! Why would you hand the throne down to your enemy?!"

He stood up, angered. "Your parents abandoned you and left you to die in the cold! Forgive me for finding it in my heart to take you in and raise you as my son, a potential heir to the throne!"

I just stood there after hearing those words. "My parents... left me to die?"

"Yes, you were unwanted so I took you as my own!"

"Brother, forget the truth! You are still my brother and you are nothing like those vile creatures!"

"But I am one of those creatures that you are so determined to kill off, and I forever will be." I turned and walked away.

"No brother!"

I jolt awake, the painful memory still replaying in my mind. My breaths became heavy.

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