Chapter 4: (You)

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I managed to change into shorts and a tank top. What is that guy's deal? He seems either mental or not from this world. I lightly laughed at that comment. Now that's just impossible.

Unlocking my bedroom door, I walked back into the living room and saw him sleeping soundly on the couch. Huh, for an odd guy, he looks kind of adorable when he sleeps.

I reached over and grabbed a blanket to cover him with; he seemed to be shivering. Quietly, I turned off the lamp in the living room and went back to my own room. I laid down in bed and stared at the ceiling for a while before falling asleep myself, wondering what I was supposed to do with the stranger I invited to live with me.

A rather loud noise awoke me the next morning. I glanced at the time for it to read seven-thirty in the morning.

"Oh you've got to be joking!" I got up and quickly walked over towards the source of the noise. "I told you not to break anything!" When I finally got to the kitchen, I noticed him rummaging through my cupboards. "What do you think you're doing?" I ask, picking up the clatter of pots and pans on the floor.

He looked at me. "I was hungry and you refused to wake when I shook you so I attempted to take matters into my own hands." He held up a box of cereal in front of my face. "What is this madness?"

I took the box of cereal from his hands and pulled out a bowl from another cupboard. "It's called cereal. You can't tell me you've never heard of that."

He looked at me furiously. "No. I have not. Is this what you servants feed yourselves?"

I slammed the bowl down on the table. "Alright buddy, look. Stop talking to me like that. What era are you from? Seriously?? I am not a servant!" I harshly sat him down on a dining chair. "Sit."

He slams his fists against the table and stood back up. "How dare you speak to me that way mortal?!"

I sat him back down. "Yeah yeah. I'm the kind that talks back. Deal with it."

I poured him a bowl of cereal with milk as he continued to look at me as if he wanted to strangle me. I was hoping he seriously wouldn't though. "Here. Eat." I hand him a spoon.

I watch as he looked down at the bowl and back up at me. "You expect me to eat this?"

I merely shrugged. "It's either that or starve. Up to you bud. It's all I've got for now. I haven't done my grocery shopping yet." Pouring myself a bowl I started eating.

I could feel his eyes still staring me down as I ate. I lifted my head up to meet his stare. "What?"

He shoves the bowl towards me. "I refuse to eat anything that is meant for lower class."

I rolled my eyes. "Fine. Starve." I finished my bowl and put it in the sink. Leaving him in the kitchen, I went back into my bedroom to change. I really needed to do my grocery shopping. I've been putting it off for a week. Heading into the shower, I got clean and got dressed in about half an hour. I grabbed my phone, wallet and keys and headed towards my front door. Before I left, I peered into the kitchen and saw him sniffing a spoonful of cereal. To my surprise, he actually put it in his mouth. I half expected him to spit it back out in disgust, but he must have been really hungry because he literally tossed the spoon and started gulping down the bowl. Okay, that's not very attractive. I left a note on the coffee table and left to do my shopping.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2021 ⏰

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