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Well shiz. I've been tagged bu miraculouschatnerd and um


Question: Favorite animal?

Answer: Owl

Question: Favorite color?

Answer: Depends. Its either purple or black xD

Question: Currently reading?

Answer: Hmm...tbh nothing? I haven't had time to read actual books lol.

Question: Netflix or Hulu?

Answer: Currently I have neither, but...Netflix.

Question: Favourite Wattpad Oc?

Answer: Umm...idk-

Question: Eye color?

Answer: Dark brown.
Like my soul.

Question: Favourite place?

Answer: Hmmm...my room xD

Question: Instagram or Snapchat?

Answer: Neither...I don't have em.

Question: Favourite book to read?

Answer: AAAAAHHHHH I can't choose! ...if I had to, itd either be Fablehaven or Lockwood.

Question: Currently watching?

Answer: Pysch and Doctor Who

Question: Sleep or food?

Answer: Ummm....food-

Question: Disney or Nick?

Answer: Um...Nick I guess. I never really watched either one tbh

Question: Favorite food?

Answer: *le gay gasp* how can I choose??? (Its lasagna btw)

Question: Nickname?

Answer: I have a lot, and they're kiiinda weird xD.

Question: Done any collab books?

Answer: No, but it sounds kinda cool to do lol

Ummm...o right le tags-


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