Swiggity Swag, I got tagged

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1. Well, it depends on where I'm going tbh but...definitely my phone.

2. I don't know makeup, I just...wear whatever people get me for holidays?

3. Marguerites. I love 'em.

4. Hot Topic.

5. Again, I have no knowledge of perfume. I just wear what people give me?

6. Flats. I'm tall enough, and I don't trust heels.

7. Depends on the subject-

8. Purple.

9. Yeah, but I'm techianlly not allowed to so it's an occasional thing.

10. Yeah, some juices. Crangrape is my fav.

11. Yes and no. Yes because it's fun and no because I'm not exactly the best swimmer?

12. Sometimes.

13. Idk? Lotion??

14. Yes, I do actually! Hopefully it'll still be legal for me if I find my princess charming.

15. Eh...depends.

16. I wanna go ghost hunting sooo much! I love all things ghost.

17. Spiders, heights, and...a lot more...?

18. Yes. A lot.

19. I have. Not gonna share it tho, cuz I have to keep some mystery about me ;D

20. I used to. Not allowed to now tho.



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