First Day Of Highschool

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~ Fresh Pov ~

I woke up to the sound of my alarm ringing, I didn't want to get up.
I realized that today was the first day of high school for me! I quickly got up,
looked at the time and I still had a decent amount of time.
I started getting ready into my regular clothing, but now will be what I wear for school.

I started getting ready into my regular clothing, but now will be what I wear for school

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(I can't describe his clothing in here is a picture/image)

Once I was ready I put my glasses on and grabbed my things for school and put them in my backpack, I couldn't hold them as I walk to school cause I know I trip, plus I am clumsy.

~ Time Skip Brought To You By The Lazy Author (Me!~) ~

I finally arrived at school, I looked at the time and I realized that I was pretty early.
I see my friends.
Alyphys,Papyrus but not my other two friends, I felt a little sad but I went over to them anyway.
"Hey Guys!" I walk over to them with a smile.
"O-oh! H-hi Fresh!" Alyphys stuttered.
"Hello Fresh!" Papyrus said with a smile as usual.
For the mean time me and friends chatted about what we did over the long summer (Summer seems short sometimes ;w;)

That was until, I notice the jocks. Suddenly a wave of fear smashed right into me, Every year no matter what I would get bullied by one of the jocks, usually its a group of them.
I recognized some of the jocks, but there was a new jock.
He had a jacket on and on the front of it, it said Pj. So I guesses that was his name?
On the top of his skull, there was a part of his skull that was just apart from his skull. To be honest I was interested in the new jock, but I knew we couldn't be friends..I'm a nerd and his a jock.

I'm a nerd and his a jock

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(Eyyy! Paperjam! Pj!)

~ Papjerjam's Pov ~

I woke up with my dad, Error, yelling from outside our rooms to get up cause its the first day of school. I groan and get up, I start getting dressed into my clothes for school.
I thought it was pretty nice, I liked the jacket I put it cause it had my name on it. But then strangers will know my name..Eh whatever.
I had breakest that my Dad Error made for me and my younger brother Cil.

( Jock! Paperjam x Nerd! Fresh ) Forbidden Love?Where stories live. Discover now