He Cares?

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Fresh's Pov

I woke up shirtless and bandages wrapped around my spine.
"U-urgh..What h-happened?" I say feeling pain on my spine.
Alyphis was looking at me with a worried expression.
"O-oh F-Fresh! I f-found y-y-you in the h-hallway and your spine was bleeding.." Alyphis stuttered out with a worried tone.
I sighed remembering what happened, I whimpered holding my spine were it was damaged, Alyphis went out because it was the middle of 2nd hour now.
But once she left, the door opened again and it was..P-pj!?
I was shocked but I trembled in fear.

PaperJam's Pov

I felt bad that I hurt that nerd..
I looked back to look at him and I noticed he was bleeding and one of his nerdy friends were panicking.
I immediately ran off and I lean against the wall, I felt horrible, and I don't know why..I've done this so many times and never felt bad once. To make sure he was okay, I was gonna check in with him in the middle of 2nd hour..
I can't help myself..I needed to know if he was okay..Ugh! I'm so weird! But I know I don't like him...Do I?

Once I arrived, The Nerd looked afraid and shocked and I just rolled my eyes a bit, and I felt my cheeks warm up a bit.
"Tsk.." I walked over to the nerd and looked at his spine and the bandages, I groaned and looked away from it.
Fresh was covering his skeleton body (Idk xD)
I suddenly just..hugged him, I don't know why but I just did, the nerd was blushing and I think I was too..he looked up at me surprised but looked..happy too? I just looked away embarrassed of what I was doing but..I felt like I had to.

- Fresh's Pov -

I was surprised at the fact that a Jock had hugged me, I could tell that I was blsuhing. I looked up at Pj and I gave him a warm smile and he just looked away with a deep red blush on his cheeks.


The bell had rang for lunch.
I looked over at the nurse and asked
"Could I get lunch?"
The Nurse (Toriel) nodded "But you need someone to escort you there and take you to class."
But then the most shocking thing happened, Pj had volunteered to escort me to lunch and help me get to class, I really didn't expect him to help a nerd like me..I guess lets see what's gonna happen

At Lunch

I got lunch and Pj didn't since he packed his own lunch, we sat a table no one sat at. I was really hoping that none of his friends would come over but of course I was wrong.
"Ey! Pj!" Bp bro hugged Pj "What are you doing with a nerd?" He slightly glared at me.
"He got hurt and The Nurse forced me to help him out for the rest of the day." Pj lied..
I felt hurt that he lied about volunteering to help me out for the rest of the day..I guess I understand why he would lie but that doesn't change the fact that he hurted my feelings.

Pj's Pov

I don't know what got me into taking care of a nerd, but I have to be honest..he looked so innocent as he ate..so cute and precious..
Why am I saying such things about a nerd! I'm so weird.
As me and Fresh ate our lunches Bp went up to us and greeted me
Bp asked me why I was with a nerd, and I lied..
"He got hurt and The Nurse forced me to take care of him." I felt bad for lying but why wouldn't I? My reputation would be ruined if I was caught hanging with a nerd on purpose!
I noticed a hurt expression and Fresh ad he kept eating, I felt terrible. Why? Why did I feel terrible!?
"Ah, I see. That sucks man." Bp chuckled
"I know that Idiot." I groan annoyed
"Anyway, cya jerk!" Bp grinned as he left but I caught him glaring at Fresh.
I sigh and once I finish eating, I just watch Fresh eat..I know its weird but he just looks- UGH! Stop saying such things Pj! Its..strange..but they are true..
I just watched Fresh eat until he wanted to dump his food and so I helped him dump his food and as soon as I heard the bell, I helped Fresh walk to his 4th hour class, Science.
I told the Science Teacher about what had happened to Fresh but not the part that I did that..
The Science Teacher nodded and smiled at me
"You have a caring heart Pj." He waved bye to me as I walked off but before I did I smiled at Fresh and left to Art.
Once I arrived I told my da- I mean Mr. Ink, that I was gonna be helping Fresh go to class because someone had hurt him bad.
He smiled at me and hugged me and was okay with that
"Aw Pj~ your so kind!" He pinched my cheekbones (Somehow 😂)
"Stawp.." I said and headed to my seat, but I couldn't focus on what Mr. Ink was saying, I was just thinking about Fresh. How cute and innocent he is and I don't want to hurt him again but it might happen. The thought made me angry and disappointed in myself
But I shouldn't even be thinking about this! His a nerd i'm a jock! How would it even work out? I don't like him and he doesn't like me..I-I know that! I hurt him..how would he even like me after such a bad thing I did to him..maybe I should try apologizing to him..I did hurt him pretty bad..
But I don't like him!


Hello readers! I hope you enjoyed the second part of the ship (Jock) On and (Nerd) Fresh! I'm sorry about not posting for awhile! I am busy with school but I swear ill try posting more soon!
Anyway, have a great day and live the ship PJ x Fresh!

Hello readers! I hope you enjoyed the second part of the ship (Jock) On and (Nerd) Fresh! I'm sorry about not posting for awhile! I am busy with school but I swear ill try posting more soon!Anyway, have a great day and live the ship PJ x Fresh!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2018 ⏰

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( Jock! Paperjam x Nerd! Fresh ) Forbidden Love?Where stories live. Discover now