6:58 4/21/18

24 5 0


get ready for the longest streak of chapters i'm going to be publishing this week!!!

it's going to be a crazy week. sigh.

hopefully nothing goes wrong. let me tell you what's going on.

monday 4/23
• eoc schedule starts, not taking any

tuesday 4/24
• literature eoc
• orchestra concert
(i'm going to need so much coffee for this day)
• orthodontist appointment?? idk if it's tuesday or wednesday

wednesday 4/25
• orthodontist appointment??

friday 4/27
• orchestra banquet

it's not that much now that i have it typed out but i didn't include how much eoc review i have and gym time eitherr soooo i'm going to be dead by the end of this week

i also hurt my shoulder so idk if i can still play basketball rippp

accutane update:
it's cleared up sooo much and i'm very blessed
problem is...

i pick at my face a lot and that's soo bad. it's hard to break this habit but i have to stop.
it's ruining my face and it's really nasty.

i'll have to start bring moisturizer to school because the only reason i pick at it so much is because my face gets really dry and there's dry spots everywhere

and until next time

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