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When I get to Forks, I see Bella and Dad waiting for me. I get out and Bella hugs me as I start crying again.

She pats my back as Dad gets my stuff out of my car.

She leads me inside and comforts me until noon when I realize that we should be having the time of our lives. It's the last few days before she is a married woman.

"Oh, my gosh. I have to get a dress for your wedding." I look at her sheepishly and she smiles, tugging me out of her room to my car where she takes my keys and takes me to her future husbands house where Alice tells me she already got my dress and shoes.

I nod and she tells me to be up by 6 when she comes to get Bella.

I nod again and Bella takes me to meet her future husband. I immediately don't like him, and I can tell he knows.

He is way too perfect to be actually and genuinely nice and as perfect as Bella describes him.

"Bells, let's go home. I have something I want to give you." I tug on her empty hand.

"Okay. Just give me a minute. I want to talk to Edward about something. " She says.

I see the look she is giving him. It is the look that he knows something that she wants to know and she will do anything to know.

"Actually, Isabella, I'm going to go talk to Dad about Jack. He needs to know why I came home." I tell her, through my teeth as she stares at her fiancee.

I walk out of the house after taking the keys from my younger sister.

Then I drive home, walking into the house and sitting on the couch next to Dad.

"I take it you don't like the boy?" Dad asks.

"Nope. Not one little bit. " I tell him. He chuckles and pulls me close.

"Tell me why you're home." He says.

"Jack cheated on me and got the girl pregnant." I tell him quietly.

"Repeat that for me." He says.

"Dad, he cheated and got the girl pregnant. " I say again.

"If I see him again, I will make sure that he doesn't walk away." Dad says through his teeth as the bell rings.

Dad goes to get it as I go into Bella's room to the floorboard I hide everything under. Nothing is there. I look around under the other floorboards just in case and all I find is a box full of stuff from when Bella's birthday. I know who did it. I stomp downstairs.

"Dad, did Bella give you my special box?" I ask, waving at Billy.

"No. I thought you hid it." He says, looking at me.

"It isn't where I put it." I say through my teeth.

"Is it in your room? " he asks.

"It is never in my room. Bella borrows my clothes too much for me to leave it in there." I tell him.

"I warn you, if Edward has it, Bella will not be getting married." I tell him, storming out of the house and driving to the Cullen house.

I storm inside and see Edward and Bella in the same spot I saw them in when I left.

"Bella, tell your fiancee to give me my box back or I will kill him." I growl.

"What box?" She asks.

"Look, I know you are the stupider sister and you don't have many brain cells, but if he doesn't give me the box that was under your floorboards, I will make it impossible for him to marry you." I tell her . She pales.

"Wait, you keep things under my floorboards?" She asks.

"Yes." I roll my eyes.

"Then the box is mine and he has every right to go through it." She shrugs.

"Then you can tell Alice to give me my mother's wedding dress back, because I know she was planning on letting you use it for your wedding, oh and my clothes, I want them all back. Every single item, including the ones that Alice took to use for your honeymoon." I snap.

"Those clothes were mine, and the wedding dress is one Alice bought." Bella smirks.

"Bullshit. I bought those clothes with the money I earned as a secretary at Sue's office, and that was the wedding dress my mother wore before she died. And I am getting every single piece of clothing back even if I have to get a court order to get them." I snap at my sister, getting in her face.

"Give me my box and my stuff or else." I warn her.

Then I leave the house, driving home and stomping inside to see Billy and Dad still in their spots, watching a football game.

"She is wearing my mother's wedding dress to her wedding, she won't give my box back, and she won't give any of the clothes she took back." I tell Dad when he noticed I am there.

"Didn't your mother leave the wedding dress for you?" Dad asks.

"Yes, but Alice took it and Bella won't give it back. " I tell him, glaring at a spot on the wall.

"She won't give the box or my clothes back either." I tell him. Billy looks at me, knowing that everything in the box means the world to me. Literally.

"Give me a minute. I've got to make a call." Dad gets his phone and makes a call. Twenty minutes later, a very angry Alice, an equally angry Bella and a furious Edward walk in with my things. They dump them on the floor and I hear glass break. I flinch and go to the box. I open it and see the one thing in the world I can't replace, broken. I stare and Dad looks over my shoulder to see what broke. It was the priceless glass figurine my mother made for me the day before she died.

"You broke it." I say emotionlessly.

I close the box and let a few tears slide down my face before I take my stuff to my room and go up to Bella's room, getting my bags and taking them to my room where I slam the door closed.

I put the wedding dress in the back of my closet, back in the box that belonged to my mother. Then I see that her blue clasp is gone. I groan. Alice probably took it too.

I sigh and put everything else away. Then I open the box again and pull out the glass shards.

I see the blue clasp at the bottom. I sigh and put it in the box that holds my mother's belongings.

I go back to the glass shards and sigh, putting them back in the box with the other things in the box.

I change into my pajamas and get in my bed, quickly falling asleep.

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