Chapter 2: A Cold Starry Night

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Waking to the birds chirping outside her window.Taking a few minutes to wash and get ready she heads down stairs. Thinking to herself "I really wish he gave me his name, and I forgot to ask for a name of anyone in the group." Being new to this venture away from home she is discouraged by her experience. The bar keep greets her "Good morning young lass you seem very well rested, please come again."

"Good morning, do you happen to know the name of the imperial I spoke with."

"I'm sorry madam I'm not allowed to give out his information, he would have given it to you if he felt he needed to."

"Oh I understand, may I have today's soup please?"

"That will be 6 septims."

Taking a seat she hands over the coin. As she sits there her mind starts to wonder of the coming adventures, the possibilities, the excitement. Expecting a lot from this venture outside of Valenwood. To find answers.

"You seem worried." said the keep.

"No, not at all... I'm just new to all this."

"Ah, well you be careful. Cyrodiil isn't as safe as it once was."

Nodding her head.

"Thank you for the soup, it was great. May I have a loaf of bread and a few apples... oh, and a few carrots."

"What an odd choice for a Bosmer."

"What do you mean." She asked.

"Don't mind the question, here you go." Handing her the items.

"How much is this all?"

"Just take it.... thank you for staying at The Flowing Bowl." as he turns around to prep for entering customers.

"Well, thank you so much." Leaving a few coins on the counter. Feeling better about this she heads out the door. As she stepped out the sun shining bright on the ocean waves, it's always a wonderful sight to see. She pauses for a bit then heads to the west gate. Looking at the gate, it's size, it's design is marvelous. She stops to ask the guard for directions. He tells her to follow the main road. Entering the gates these houses are not something seen in Valenwood. Remembering to breathe she walks with eyes wide open fascinated with her new surroundings. In the distance is a giant tree and The Chapel of Dibella behind that. Thinking to herself she is nearing the front gate.

Passing through she sees a carriage driver nearby. "Excuse me sir could you take me to Stonedale? it's in Hammerfell." The driver nods. Slowly turning she jumps in. The journey is about a day away. Tempted to reach in her knapsack and read the journal from beginning to end as she never has. Knowing all too well that her emotions will get the best of her she holds back. Passing the beautiful walls of Kvatch. "I wonder if the legends are true." she thought.

Sticking her head out the window to see Skingrad, it didn't disappoint at all. The stories she heard of its beauty. "Ah I wish I had time to stop." Turning her head to the driver. "Driver! tell me about Skingrad!" Her smiles quickly turned to a frown as she got no answer. "I hope he didn't fall asleep." Looking down at her hands the journal lays. A bit confused she feels it's a sign she needs to read it in full. Hesitant to open it she wonders why.

"What would come from all this?"

"What were they looking for?"

"Or trying to hide?"

"Did they really have to do this?"

"What did they want!"

Laying in the grass atop a hill, looking at all the colors the night sky had to offer.

"You know Eri, I'm glad I met you."

"Why is that?"

"Do you ever wonder about why we are here Eri?"

"Not really, I just know we need to be here."

"But why?"

"Maybe it's because if there wasn't a need we wouldn't be here. Maybe we are here to learn something before we enter Aetherius. Maybe we are here to take care of Nirn and one another. You know I'm not good at this stuff."

"Eri, but that's why I love you."

"I also love you."

Wiping the tears off her face she opens the journal. Trying to make out what is written is hard when eyes are filled with water. Flipping through the chard pages only making out a few sentences and names. Nearing the end of the short journal it's even harder to read. Words look like doodles. "He was living in fear by the end." She thought to herself. Emotionally drained with a headache she decides to take a small nap.

Hours have passed, on the Black Road a sudden carriage stop. Waking up she feels uneasy. Her heart drops as the journal isn't in the knapsack. "Where did I leave it." She finds it on the floor near her feet quickly putting it away. "Driver! is everything ok?" She waits for a reply. Breathing slowly so she could hear everything outside. A sudden loud thump slams the door. She jumps getting her fire bolt ready. Heart beating faster, "Driver?" she slowly opens the door.

Looking down she sees the driver laying there, paralyzed. A dagger near him and an arrow through his arm. Angered she scans the tree line. "If you're willing to kill us you will gain nothing!" She screams. Seeing nothing she quickly gets down to help the driver. Taking out the arrow in his arm. "This one is poisoned, it smells potent." Throwing it at her side. "I don't now how long the paralysis will last just hold on ok." lifting him up into the carriage so they could get away. Closing the door she hears the sound of another arrow wiz by. Cringing she ducks her head. "Leave us alone!" screaming at the tree line. Running to the front of the carriage she jumps up to the seat. Instantly she notices the second arrow, it pierced through the satchel breaking the buckle. "It wasn't aimed at me." Shaken she opens the satchel, in it a few coins, jewellery, an outfit and a letter. She went straight for the letter. Opening it she read through it as quickly as possible. Reaching the end [...and you will receive the second half of the payment once she is disposed of and the journal brought back to me. Signed: Alessi Larenthal, Thalmor Officer].

Looking around there is no town or sign in plain sight. The Sun halfway through sunset. She jumps off the carriage dropping the letter as she hit the floor. Panicking she gets up rushing towards the tree line. Her hands shaking as she turns back contemplating to burn the carriage with the driver in it. "I can't." She cries out. sprinting through the tall trees and grass, the sun is about to set. Breathing heavily with tears running down her face. "I need to keep going, I can't stop now."

Knowing this can't be just luck working against her. Passing a mountain it's already dark out. She sees the faint sight of a small path leading to a small bridge. "Just a little further." Telling herself as the path is fading away. Covered by darkness up ahead is a cliff, she slips. "Ouch!" scraping her thigh on the way down. Dirt, rocks and grass getting kicked up. landing on her hands and knees as she hit the bottom. What felt like an hour of running she was exhausted. "I'll stop here." Trying to catch her breathe she crawls to a nearby fallen tree. As she sits up she notices a dried out log by her feet. She lights it, taking out her crushed loaf and an apple. Laying down placing the knapsack under her head she stares at the night's sky. "I miss you." gripping her necklace.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2014 ⏰

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