Chapter 1

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"Sam wait up you have the bike lock keys!" Sam turned to eye her sister wearily.

"Max you move like an 80 year old let's go. I really don't want to deal with Katrina today" Max raised an eyebrow, her jade eye's flashing "Well neither do I" she pushed her glasses up "That bitch hates me dude" The two navigated the long hall, keeping an eye for the spawn of satan herself and her demon.

"Hey what are you two doing let's go home" An Asian boy was calling over to them, he had his backpack slung over his shoulder and hands gripping tightly onto the chrome handles of an old rusted 6 speed. A dark skinned boy stood next to him, shirt tucked into his jeans he silently watched the sisters. "Lets go Jameson's! Last day of sophomore year I want to go home and burn my Math textbook!" Arthur yelled as Tyler flinched. Sam rolled her eyes and kneeled down to shove the key into each lock. The bits of sidewalk left imprints in her knees, she looked back up and bowed at her sister "M'lady, your steed awaits you!" Max planted her foot into Sam's chest knocking her into the dirt. "You're a moron you know that?" She threw her leg over and sped down the stairs. Sam pushed herself back up grumbling about shitty sisters and stuffed her lock in her bag.

"Way to go Jameson, you really know how to handle yourself against your little sister!" Sam pulled her bike over the small lip of the bike rack "Yeah whatever Jd." The blue eyed girl cracked a grin. "Well what can I say" Sam frowned "Nothing?" "see now you're asking way too much" Jd winked pushing off her skateboard and flew off the top step down the sidewalk flipping off some teacher who tried to tell her off. Sam threw her leg over the seat when someone caught her eye. They were small, chin length curly deep evergreen hair. They adjusted their saddle bag and made eye contact with Sam. Popping a stick of gum in their mouth they shook their hair out of their face and kept walking. Sam thought it was weird, she'd never seen that kid in her life, and she was born here. Honestly? They creeped her out.

"Well if it isn't the entirety of Havenlake's pride parade! Fucking freaks" Sam skidded to a stop with the rest of her friends. "What's up Katrina? Styles" Sam decided today was the day to keep it civil. "Did you just talk to me like I was your friend? God you're so far beneath me I can't hear you scream queer". Sam frowned "Well that's rude" Katrina whipped around grabbing Sam by both her shoulders, digging her nails into her soft skin. "Do I look like I care? Shut up and know your place freak" Sam yelped as Katrina racked her nails across her face shoving her to the ground. She couldn't see past the tears and blood, it fucking hurt. Jd however was not having it, she stepped off her board and grabbed Katrina by the shoulder, spinning her around she threw her fist across the girl's face it knocked the other direction mid air. Katrina was screaming on the ground and Sam was pretty sure Arthur was too. Tyler was pulling Jd off the other girl and her brother was yelling obscurities. Jd yielded and spat on Katrina "Eat my fist bitch!" She had time to grin before Styles buried his pocket knife into her shoulder.

Ripping it out Jd's blood sprayed through the air like the crimson birds Sam would see during Autumn, she fell to her knees as Styles scooped Katrina into his arms and ran to his car, driving off. "Holy fucking shit Jd! What do we do?" Tyler kneeled next to his friend, eyes wide. Arthur was still screaming from his bike. "HOLY SHIT HE STABBED YOU. JD YOU'RE BLEEDING" Max was chasing after the car throwing rocks and yelling, Sam stumbled over to Jd, with one eye she inspected her friend. "Get on my pegs, we have to get you to a hospital" Sam felt a hand on her shoulder "Sam you can't ride, the entire right side of your face is bleeding" Sam shook Tyler off "Dude we have to get Jd to a hospital now. I got this" Helping Jd onto Sam's bike was hard enough, riding proved difficult. Riding was a nightmare. After falling three times with Arthur screaming louder than everyone the odd ball group stumbled into the clinic. "Come on guys, I can't do this" Katherine Muller frowned at group, she smiled at Max and the girl flushed taking sudden interest in the patterned carpet. "Come on, let's go see my dad"

Sam picked at the bandages across her face, Katrina had gotten her good. Had she said any of that? No, one doesn't just rat of the Mayor's kids. Stepping out in the hall she popped the soda tab and took a sip when she met eyes with someone yet again. Stuffing pills into their bag the green haired kid met her eyes and squinted, Sam opened her mouth to call out but they took off out the door. Sam looked behind her, everyone was watching Jd, so she took a leap of faith of sorts. She chugged the rest of the soda and ran down the hall, out the doors, and after that green haired kid who hey. Wasn't so creepy anymore running down the street into the sunset.  

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