Chapter 9

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I was an idiot. Not only was I an idiot, but I was an idiot of epic proportions. What Charlie Bingley told me in the hallway should have made me hate Jason Darcy. Hell, after knowing what an ass Jason was, what Charlie Bingley told me in the hallway shouldn't even freaking matter, but being an idiot, it did. And it hurt. It hurt so much.

But, hey, that's what love does. It hurts us and hurts us and keeps on hurting us. Then it brings us this wonderful amazing person that makes us believe in love again. And we wonder why couldn't we just have met him first.

I thought Jason was that person for me. The one that makes everything worth it. The one who puts a smile in your face. The one you kow is THE one. I know, stupid thing for a sixteen year old in junior year to say. I mean, how mature was I? Taking senior classes doesn't mean anything regarding maturity levels. People dont find the person they are gonna spend their life with in high school. Many people dont find the person they are going to spend their life with period.

But still, after so much heartbreak, after being deceived so many times, by so many jerks, I thought I deserved someone who loved me and made me happy. Guess not. Fate really is a bitch.

So there I was, sitting in the park daddy and grandpa used to bring us to when we were kids, sitting on the swing, trying my hardest not to cry like a four year old.

I had just abandoned the attempt to stop crying and was bawling like a kid who just got their lollipop snatched right out of their hands when I heard Nathan's familiar voice asking me if I was okay.

I ran to him and hugged him tightly, like my life depended on it, letting him comfort me.

He asked ''Ellie are you okay? Are you hurt? Do I need to take you to the hospital?''

I choked out a no and asked him if he could just hold me.

He held me in his arms until I was all cried out, muttering that it was okay, that whatever it was, I could tell him and he'd solve it.

When the tears stopped I told him everything Charlie had told me and how badly Jason had hurt me. How, when he told me he loved me, he had been cheating on me with other girls, how I was just an excuse for him to avoid a commited relationship.

He waited for me to finish and after much pondering, he told me his own opinion. ''I don't think Jason cheated on you.''

I asked him ''how can you think that? He is such an ass. Look what he did to you!''

He replied ''Ellie, I never said he framed me. Its you who insists that he did. To me, all he did was that He believed his sister over me, his best friend since childhood. Contrary to popular belief, Jason was MY best friend, not Ian's. His sister got kicked out of catholic school because they found a boy in her bed when she was fourteen. But Jason believed her, not me. And he's changed a lot since we were best friends. The new Jason is a non-trusting asshole, but cheating no. he wouldn't do that. No matter what he is now, cheating, its just so not him.''

I asked him ''dude, he said I cheated. I don't know about you, but I hear guilt. Like a lot of it. And looking at his actions ever since our fake relationship ended, what Charlie told me does make sense''

He said '' Oh and now you and my bitch of a sister are BFFs.''

I asked ''why the hell are YOU of all people defending him?''

He yelled ''whatever. Look Ellie, can we, for five seconds, talk about something that doesn't involve Jason freaking Darcy.''

I asked him in my best concerned voice ''Nate, what's up? What has got the great Nate Hasting's panties up in a wad? Is it a girl?''

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