Chapter 11

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The tiny little angel was dwarfed by all the machines surrounding her frail body.

For a moment, or way more than a moment, I didn't see the tiny little Bianca Darcy in that clinical, sterile, depressing hospital bed, but Molly


Seven years ago(Elle is nine years old)

I was getting really worried about Molly. She suddenly fainted right in the middle of class and they weren't telling us anything. Daddy was trying to comfort Aunt Jessica. The doctors came out and asked if he could speak to Aunt Jessie alone.

She said ''whatever you want to say, you can say it front of my brother.''

The doctor asked ''did you know that Molly has leukemia?''

She replied ''yes. She was diagnosed a couple of years ago. But they caught it in time and she got a bone marrow transplant thanks to a bone marrow donation from her cousin Elle. She went into remission.''

I remember when Molly had cancer. She grew bald and Aunt Jessie used to cry all the time. Then they asked me if they could take my bone marrow and it could make Molly all better, so I let them.

The doctor said ''the cancer, it has come back. And not even a bone marrow transplant could help her. She's in stage IV. She only has a year to live.''

Six months after, cousin Molly grew very sick and then she disappeared. Daddy said that she'd gone to a better place and that she wouldn't hurt anymore. I missed her, but if she isn't in pain anymore, then that was good.

No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't hide the pain she was in. Now she could be painless and happy.   


I couldn't breathe. I couldn't freaking breathe. All around me I could hear sounds. Screams and shouts. It took me a moment to realize that the screams were my own.

I ran outside, determined not to disturb the tiny little angel with my demons. I heard footsteps behind me, and then the next thing I knew was lifted off the ground and Jason was holding me tight.

He held me, calming me down, whispering in my ear ''its okay Ellie, it will all be okay, just breathe, baby, just breathe baby, please just breathe. Its okay, I'm here for you.''

My mind registered the irony of the fact that Jason was holding me exactly like Nate was before he asked me to be his girlfriend. But for some reason, the smell of Jason's cologne, the feel of him, the comforting warmth of his hold calmed me down faster than Nate ever could.

He held me until I calmed down enough to breathe properly. He handed me a glass of water and watched me down it in a few short gulps.

It was then that I remembered the little angel inside the hospital room. I asked him ''Bianca, did I scare Bianca?''

He replied ''no, you didn't scare Bianca. She's still asleep. All the pain meds that she has in her system, make it impossible to wake her up without an injection of some stimulant or the other. Occasionally she wakes up on her own. We all try to be with her then. But, Ellie, who the hell is Molly?''

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